The New Deal
The roaring 20's
The Great Depression
What did President Roosevelt promise to do during the Great Depression?
He promised to use the power of the government to create jobs by setting up the ABC agencies
What was the one thing that rattled the chain of events leading to WWI?
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria.
What does mass-production mean?
Large volume of producing.
What did Americans want to do in the roaring 20's?
Americans wanted to renew their spirits and enjoy themselves. They felt a great sense of joy and relief after WWI ended.
Complete the sentence: On October 29, 1929, many people
invested into the stock market hoping to get rich, but the stock market crashed as many Americans lost millions of dollars.
What were the alphabet agencies purpose?
To provide jobs for the unemployed, and to boost the American economy
What were the Central Powers?
Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria
What is an example of alliance?
The Allied Powers formed an alliance to defend against Germany(Central).
How did African Americans have a big role in the Roaring 20's?
They came to Harlem during the Great Migration, and spread their music and culture across the US as people listened to their music and were entertained by the artists of the Harlem Renaissance.
Hoover won the 1928 election by a landslide, and instead of ending poverty, he did what?
He didn't do anything to end the Great Depression, and blamed it on the Americans. Americans were living in shacks called "Hoovervilles".
What did the three R's stand for, and what did they do?
Relief: To provide jobs for the unemployed, and to protect farmers from foreclosure. Recovery: To keep the economy in it's best shape. Reform: To keep banks moving(regulate), to end child labor, and to conserve farm land.
What is militarism?
The competition of the buildup of weapons and armed forces.
Someone who leaves their native country to go somewhere else is what word?
Which amendment gave woman the ability to have the right to vote?
The 19th amendment
What industry suffered the most? Why?
The farming industry suffered the most because the prices lowered, making it hard to make money. Also, dryness, heat, and insects destroyed their crops.
What did the TVA do?
The TVA built dams to prevent floods, conserve forests, and provided electricity for those who lived in the rural parts of the Tennessee River.
What caused the US to enter the war?
Germany sent a telegram to Mexico in January, 1917, asking to join their side (Central). In return, Germany would help Mexico reclaim land in the US. This outraged the US as they sent ships to Europe, and Germany sank them. Finally the US entered the war.
What is the definition of public works?
Projects like highways, parks, and libraries that are built with public funds for public use.
Who was the highest paid African American woman of her day that was known for blues singing, and danced, acted, and performed comedy?
Bessie Smith
What was the growing gap between the rich and the poor?
In 1929, nearly 33 percent of the nation's wealthy people decreased to 1%, and up to 75% of American families were living in poverty.
From 1933 to 1937, how did the unemployment rate change?
In 1933 the unemployment rate was 25%, in 1935 it was 20%, and in 1937, the unemployment rate was 14%.
How was a trench made?
The soldiers would dig a ditch right into the ground, which was called entrenching. They would also dig in another trench(sapping). The safest way was to dig tunnels.
are bought and sold through an organized system. Complete the definition: Stock Exchange: A place where shares in company
are bought and sold through an organized system.
Who created a new type of production?
Henry Ford created the assembly line in 1913 that allowed the product to move forward, making things faster, and easier.
What did Congress do in the 1930's that had an effect on imports?
Congress raised tariffs on imports, which raised the prices of those goods, as many European countries raised tariffs on those goods. This caused the international trade to decrease as many factories shut down, worldwide.