Freedom, economic opportunity, and abundant land are all examples of these.
What are pull factors?
This artistic movement stressed the individual, imagination, creativity, and emotion. It also drew inspiration from nature.
What is romanticism?
This movement claimed that anyone could choose salvation and was largely responsible for the spirit of reform that swept America in the mid-1800s.
What is the Second Great Awakening?
This meeting was held in hopes of reawakening religious faith.
What is a revival?
The Seneca Falls Convention.
What is the meeting held to improve women's rights and set forth a range of resolutions to address women's complaints?
Population growth, agricultural changes, crop failures, industrial revolution, and religious and political turmoil are all examples of these.
What are push factors?
This form of protest, practiced by Henry David Thoreau, was a nonviolent refusal to obey laws considered unjust.
What is civil disobedience?
This is a group of workers who came together to organize for better working conditions.
What is a labor union?
This is when workers stop working in hopes of influencing labor leaders to provide better working conditions for employees.
What is a strike?
What is a word meaning 'the right to vote?'
This was a severe food shortage that was responsible for killing 1 million Irish people and forcing nearly 2 million Irish to emigrate.
What is the Irish Potato Famine?
This philosophy taught that the spiritual world was more important than the physical world and that, through feeling and intuition, people can find the truth within themselves.
What is transcendentalism?
Factories required workers to operate machinery and stay on task. Alcohol made it difficult to accomplish these things.
What is the reason business owners supported the temperance movement?
He headed up the first state board of education in Massachusetts and claimed that education worked to make all people equals.
Who is Horace Mann?
What is the movement to end slavery?
This is a person who settles in a new country
What is an immigrant?
Lush, natural landscapes, paintings of America's mountainous west, sketchings of native birds, plants, and other animals were all ways American artists did this.
What is incorporated nature into art?
She traveled all over the country to fight for the rights of the mentally ill. Due to her efforts, 32 new mental hospitals were built to treat those with mental disabilities.
Who is Dorothea Dix?
These ideal societies were often formed by the religious beliefs that the best way to improve society was to start over.
What is a utopia?
This declared that "women do feel themselves aggrieved, oppressed, and fraudulently deprived of their rights," and set forth a number of solutions aimed at addressing these grievances.
What is the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions?
These include Christmas trees, gymnasiums, kindergarten, hamburgers, and hot dogs (frankfurters).
What are ways that German immigrants contributed to American identity
This great American author continues to influence artists and writers, wrote dark and chilling tales, and penned the first detective story.
Who is Edgar Allan Poe?
This was the action President van Buren took to improve working conditions.
What is the ten-hour work day?
These are reasons that made it difficult for African Americans to receive education in the mid and late-1800s.
What are the illegality of teaching slaves to read (after the Nat Turner Rebellion) and the barring of African Americans from public schools and colleges?
By travelling on foot, wagons, boats, and trains, they went under cover of darkness and hid during the day in stables, attics, and cellars