The protagonist of A Night Divided.
Who is Gerta?
The city where Gerta lives in A Night Divided.
What is Berlin?
The type of government ruling East Berlin in the story.
What is communism?
The year the Berlin Wall was constructed.
What is 1961?
Who is Gerta's father?
Gerta's brother who helps her throughout the story.
Who is Fritz?
Gerta's family gets separated due to this event.
What is the building of the Berlin Wall?
The main theme of family members being separated in the book.
What is division?
The war that had recently ended prior to the events of the book.
What is World War II?
The person who warned Gerta to, "find the way out" and inspired them to tunnel.
Who is Gerta's father?
Gerta's father who is separated from the family when the Berlin Wall is built.
Who is Aldous?
The direction Gerta and Fritz dig to escape to freedom.
What is West?
This word describes Gerta and Fritz's determination to escape the East.
What is perseverance?
The global rivalry reflected in the division of Berlin.
What is the Cold War?
This character remarked, "Hope shines as bright as a candle in the darkest night."
Who is Officer Mueller?
The character who initially warns Gerta about the Berlin Wall.
Who is Dominic?
The secret location where Gerta's father works from the West.
What is the tunnel?
A significant symbol of freedom Gerta dreams about seeing.
What is the sunset?
The political system controlling West Berlin during the story.
What is democracy?
The character who said, "Walls are made for breaking down."
Who is Dominic?
The soldier who becomes and unexpected ally.
Who is Officer Mueller?
The document Gerta and her family hope to obtain after escaping.
What is a visa?
Theme representing the efforts to find and preserve personal liberty.
What is freedom?
The event that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
What is the Peaceful Revolution of 1989?
The encouragement whispered to Gerta that becoming free was worth every risk.
What is freedom?