Context Clues
Multiple Choice
What does the word specialty mean in the sentence below? The restaurant's specialty is making perfect pizza. A: chef B: hobby C: favorite food D: unique talent
D: unique talent
What does the word pursuit mean in the sentence below? The athletes all tried their best in pursuit of the grand prize. A: the end of a race B: a medal or trophy C: an effort to achieve D: something that holds money
C: an effort to achieve
What is the first important event in the passage? A: Louis passes out balls during recess. B: A truck horn honks and disturbs the students. C: Louis starts cleaning up junk on the playground. D: Students toss pieces of paper and pencils into the schoolyard
C: Louis starts cleaning up junk on the playground.
Which of the following is a clue that helps the reader determine the passage's point of view? A: the use of quotation marks B: the use of indented paragraphs C: the use of pronouns such as I and we D: the use of pronouns such as she and he
D: the use of pronouns such as she and he
What does the word collapsed mean in the sentence below? The house of cards collapsed just as I placed the last card on top. A: bent B: fell C: grew D: jumped
B: fell
What does the word vigorously mean in the sentence below? I ran vigorously after my homework, but the wind carried it away before I could grab it. A: to give up B: to move slowly C: in a strong way D: in an uneasy
C: in a strong way

This passage is told from the point of view of A: Louis. B: Mrs. Jewls. C: a first-person narrator. D: a third-person narrator.

D: a third-person narrator.

How does Mrs. Jewls solve the problem of letting Louis into the classroom? A: She holds a spelling bee. B: She opens the door for Louis herself. C: She chooses her best student to open the door. D: She flips a coin to decide who will open the door.
A: She holds a spelling bee.
What does the word disturbing mean in the sentence below? Teddy kept disturbing us while we were doing our homework. A: bothering B: entertaining C: following D: helping
A: bothering
What does the word jubilant mean in the sentence below? Allison felt jubilant when she heard the wonderful news. A: cold B: impatient C: joyful D: upset
C: joyful
Louis goes to Mrs. Jewls's classroom by A: riding the elevator. B: climbing up the stairs. C: going down a long hallway. D: walking across the schoolyard.
B: climbing up the stairs.
The end of the passage is ironic because A: Louis has worked so hard to deliver the computer to Mrs. Jewls. B: Mrs. Jewls uses the computer in a way that the reader would expect. C: The third-person narrator describes the humor of Mrs. Jewls's spelling bee. D: the reader does not expect Mrs. Jewls to use the computer the way she does.
D: the reader does not expect Mrs. Jewls to use the computer the way she does.
What does the word interrupted mean in the sentence below? The baby's crying interrupted our conversation. A: changed B: helped C: reviewed D: stopped
D: stopped
What does the word tendency mean in the sentence below? That clock has a tendency to fall behind by a few minutes. A: change B: habit C: rarity D: softness
B: habit
What causes Louis the most trouble in making sure that Mrs. Jewls gets her package. A: Mrs. Mush is cooking mushrooms in the cafeteria. B: The students cannot be interrupted while they are working. C: Mrs. Jewls's classroom is on the top floor of Wayside School. D: The delivery person must give the package directly to Mrs. Jewls.
C: Mrs. Jewls's classroom is on the top floor of Wayside School.
How does the use of irony affect the passage? A: It makes the reader sad. B: It adds humor and surprise. C: It makes the passage predictable. D: It makes the reader feel sorry for the students.
B: It adds humor and surprise.
What does the word wobbled mean in the sentence below? The toddler wobbled toward the door. A: ran quickly B: crawled slowly C: rolled unhappily D: walked unsteadily
D: walked unsteadily
What does the word urgent mean in the sentence below? Oscar called his sister as soon as he got her urgent message. A: friendly B: automatic C: very important D: moving too much
C: very important
What is the effect of this passage's point of view? A: There is no main character. B: The author is limited to describing one person. C: The reader does not know the thoughts and feelings of any character. D: The reader gets to know the thoughts and feelings of more than one character.
D: The reader gets to know the thoughts and feelings of more than one character.
At the end of the passage, Mrs. Jewls thanks Louis for A: taking good care of her package. B: picking up the paper and pencils. C: putting the package where she wants it. D: helping her teach the students about gravity.
D: helping her teach the students about gravity.