Federal Agencies
Know Your Justice
Civil or Criminal?
What's that Precedent?
Know your Constitution
Friends call them the "FCC."
What is the Federal Communications Commission?
Nominated by George W. Bush, he is currently the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
Who is John Roberts?
If you are arrested for robbing your neighbor's home, you'll find yourself facing this kind of law.
What is criminal law.
The 2010 Supreme Court ruling that allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money in political campaigns.
What is Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?
This amendment to the US Constitution protects the right to "petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
What is the First Amendment?
Congress gave them permission to regulate tobacco product advertising in 2009.
What is the Food and Drug Administration?
Nominated by President Obama, this Latina justice was criticized for saying, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life."
Who is Sonia Sotomayor?
If someone accuses you of committing a "tort," you're going to face this kind of law.
What is civil law?
This famous 1803 case was the first time the Supreme Court claimed the right to judicial review -- the right to invalidate actions of the executive and legislative branches of government if they violate the constitution.
What is Marbury v. Madison?
In 2008 the Supreme Court ruled for the first time (5-4) that this amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm.
What is the Second Amendment?
This agency would have been interested in the "Citizens United" Supreme Court ruling, which allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money in political campaign advertising.
What is the Federal Election Commission?
Nominated by George H. W. Bush, he is the second African American justice to sit on the Supreme Court.
Who is Clarence Thomas?
In this kind of law, the burden of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt."
What is criminal law?
Most people have heard of this Supreme Court case; it held that, owing to women's right to privacy, states could not ban abortion in the first or second trimester.
What is Roe v. Wade?
While Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation" made for great press, it was this amendment to the US constitution that completely and forever freed the slaves.
What is the Thirteenth Amendment?
If you go to work on Wall Street, you'll learn all about this agency.
What is the Securities and Exchange Commission?
Nominated by Bill Clinton, some call her "The Notorious RBG."
Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
A grand jury might be used in a dispute of this kind.
What is criminal?
The 1978 Supreme Court case Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation, which allowed the FCC to regulate "indecency" on the public airwaves, started when this comedian broadcast a monologue about "seven dirty words."
Who is George Carlin?
"Cruel and unusual punishments" are prohibited by this amendment.
What is the Eighth Amendment?
If you make a radio ad claiming that you've sold more scarves than Macy's, this federal agency may come after you.
What is the Federal Trade Commission?
Nominated by Ronald Reagan, he is often the swing vote in 5-4 decisions.
Who is Anthony Kennedy?
This kind of legal dispute is initiated by a person calling themselves "plaintiff."
What is a civil suit?
This man's last name became famous when the Supreme Court reviewed his case and established that criminal suspects must be informed of their rights before being questioned.
Who is Ernesto Miranda? (Miranda v. Arizona)
This amendment can be difficult to follow in highly publicized trials, because it calls for both a "speedy and public trial" and also a trial "by an impartial jury."
What is the Sixth Amendment?