Dreamed of a ladder that reached heaven.
Who is Jacob? or Who is Israel?
A man after God's own heart.
Who is King David? 1 Samuel 13:14
First Poetic book chronologically in scripture.
What is Job?
Was caught up in a fiery chariot.
Who is Elijah? 2 Kings 2:11
Prophetic book with the most prophesy about the coming messiah.
What is Isaiah?
Jewish festival first instituted the day Israel officially left slavery in Egypt.
What is the passover?
Last judge of Israel.
Who is Samuel?
Many Psalms were written by the sons of a certain infamous Levite. Samuel also came through this lineage.
Who are the sons of Korah?
He saw an army of angels encamped around his enemies.
Who is Elisha?
This Old testament prophet describes Jesus as John in Revelation sees him.
Who is Daniel?
The king of Salem. Also mentioned in the book of Hebrews.
Who is Melchizedek? Genesis 14:18
King who sinned against God. His action is mentioned all throughout the history of the kings as those following him walked in the sin of this man.
Who is Jereboam the son of Nebat?
Writer of Psalms Chapter 90.
Who is Moses?
The Lord called this sheep breeder and tender of sycamore fruit to be a prophet.
Who is Amos?
He saw a valley of dry bones.
Who is Ezekiel?
The fourth commandment.
What is honor your father and mother?
King who laid down his and his army's arms and praised God. His enemies defeated themselves.
Who is King Jehoshaphat?
The conclusion: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all.
What is Ecclesiastes
He told a king of Judah to apply a poultice of figs to a disease.
Who is Isaiah?
The only place in scripture where God asks us to test Him in a certain thing.
What is Malachi?
Meaning of the word manna in Hebrew.
What is what is it?
King who did right in the sight of the Lord. He became great and famous. At his height he became prideful and was struck with leprosy.
Who is King Uzziah?
Psalmist who wrote "Create in me a clean heart" wrote this in response to a specific sin.
What is David and Bathsheba?
God told this prophet that he would not believe the work that he was going to do.
Who is Habakkuk?
This man is mentioned by two different prophets. He is told "Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit." He is also one of the ancestors of Jesus.