What is the Swedish word for "personality"?
How do you say "spindelnät" in English?
How do you say "julbord" in English?
Christmas buffet
How do you say "en tand" and "två tänder" in English?
One tooth and two teeth.
Write the word "hållbarhet" in English on the whiteboard.
How do you say 3 o'clock in the afternoon?
3 pm
Say three things that Ireland, UK, USA and Sweden have in common when it comes to Halloween traditions.
Candy / sweets, trick or treat, Halloween decorations, Halloween costumes.
Which day do you celebrate Christmas in USA?
The 25th December
How do you say "hon tar bussen till skolan" in English?
She takes the bus to school.
How do you say "miljövänlig" in English?
Eco-friendly, environmentally friendly.
How do you say "utseende" in English?
Physical appearance
Guy Fawkes Night, the 5th November, is also called?
The Bonfire Night
What do you call the 26th December in UK.
Boxing Day
How do you say "en Youtube film" in English? You must have the correct article, a or an!
A Youtube film
What are the 3 Ps?
People, Planet, Profit
Write on the whiteboard: "Hon borstar tänderna kl. 8.30."
She brushes her teeth at 8.30 am.
Mention one autumn tradition that is celebrated in USA but not in UK. Which month is it celebrated?
Thanksgiving / November
What do you eat at Christmas in UK?
Turkey, potato wedges, vegetables: broccoli, carrots, stuffing, sauce, cranberry jam, Christmas pudding, minced pies.
Write on the whiteboard:
en kvinna / två kvinnor
en man / två män
one woman / two women
one man / two men
If you focus on the P, People, what is important for your health and wellbeing?
Good food habits (eating well and vary your food), sleeping well and exercise. (Food, sleep and exercise).
Describe at least 3 things that the teacher is wearing? Use complete sentences!
The teacher is wearing a red dress with a black jacket. She is also wearing black boots and a Christmas necklace.
Retell the story about Jack-O-Lantern!
Jack-O-Lantern is a legend about a mean, drunkard blacksmith called Jack. Jack tricked the devil and captured him in a tree. In order to be released, the Devil promised Jack not to take his soul when he dies. When Jack died he was neither welcome to Heaven nor Hell because of his behavior and the Devil's promise. Devil threw a lump of coal at Jack and Jack put the coal in his lantern. His soul is wandering around and people put out lanterns and pumpkins with candles to protect themselves from Jack.
Explain what a "Lucia tåg" is in English and describe the people who take part in the "Lucia tåg".
The Lucia procession consists of a Lucia who wears a white gown, red ribbon around her waist and a crown with either electric powered or real candles on her head. Behind Lucia follow several handmaidens also dressen in white gowns, tinsel around their waists and tinsel in their hair. They are holding either an electric powered candle or real candle in their hand. Behind the handmaidens there are a couple of star boys with a cone shaped hat with a star on. The star boys are dressed in a white gown and are holding a star on a stick. At the end of the Lucia procession there are brownies and Santas holding lanterns. All are singing specific traditional Lucia songs.
How do you say "lära" och "lära ut" in English?
Learn / teach
Describe a sustainable activity balancing the 3 Ps, (People, Planet and Profit).
Walk to school: good for my health and wellbeing since I get fresh air and exercise, good for the environment since there are no CO2 emissions, cost efficient / saving petrol money or money for a bus or train ticket.