Splendid Little War
Officer in Charge of the Dead
In Death's Gray Land

What does Philip Caputo state as the way the United States Army measure success 

Body Count


How long after the end of the war / What year was the postscript released for this book

1996 / ~20 - 21years


This action, Philip Caputo personally saw as an act of rebellion and an opportunity for personal freedom and independence, though some may have found it to be a conformist thing to do.  

Signing Up for the Marine Corps


He was killed while Caputo was in Japan.

Who is Sullivan?


When Caputo raises a red flag about a particularly hard hit battalion what is Colonel Nickerson's response   

Hell, Fifteen casualties ain't nothin'


Why did Philip Caputo enlisted in the Marines

Pride, Overpowering Self-assurance, the age of Kennedy's Camelot, Missionary Idealism, Tradition of doing what the previous generations had done... (Based on Argument) 


What was the perception of the war and the Vietnam veteran while Caputo was writing the book.

The left and the right developed their own sets of bias stereotypes about the Vietnam Veteran 


What were the purpose of the drills at Boot Camp (Hint Corps' Cardinal Virtues)

Instill Discipline and Teamwork

What was the main task as an adjutant

He reported on When and How casualties occurred


What phase does Caputo used to describe the feeling of the importance and sacrifice made by the soldiers. Meaning for one's country 

Pro Patria

What was the Name of Philip Caputo battalion

9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade


Where does Caputo end up in after a nervous collapse brought on by a combination of exhaustion, anxiety, alcohol and drugs  

An East Coast Hospital


What was the purpose of the verbal ridicule and abuse that the cadets were subjected to

Break them down and weed out those who were not suited.


He told Caputo that twelve KIAs is twelve wrecked homes.

Who is Chaplain Ryerson?


What game was set up as a way to try and introduce some normalcy to the HqCo 

A Football Pool


What was special about Philip Caputo's battalion.

First Regular American Troops to Arrive -> First Battalion departing from the Advisory approach


Caputo describes how while he was writing his book, journalism regarding the Vietnam War was widely accepted, but literature on the subject was seen as this.

It was seen as taboo to write about.


What was Philip Caputos' initial reaction to the news of the impending war  

Insignificant Conflict


What were two aspects of his Job as "The Officer in Charge of The Dead" he never got used to/ adjusted to 

The Smell and Sight of Corpses


What Battalion arrives to relieve their battalion with fresh soldiers just arriving from San Diego, Caputo describes them as Gung-ho.

1st Battalion, 1st Marines


What does Philip Caputo use as a quote when reffering to the war Strategy of General Westmoreland in regards to high body-count and Kill-ratio

"If it's dead and Vietnamese, it's VC"... (Anything along those lines)


Why does Caputo believe that both the left and right failed to understand the situation of Vietnam veterans?

He describes how the war was being fought by the poor and the working class, but the discussion over whether or not to fight the war was between the upper classes who didn't fight it.


What author did the war remind him of, especially the colonial aspects of the conflicts.

Rudyard Kipling


What did Colonel want the dead bodies left around HQ

So the clerks could see them and get used to the sight of blood


While Caputo worked as an adjutant, he describes how the names of those who stopped meaning much to him, except for this soldier, who Caputo had gotten lost with in the past.

Walter Levy
