A synonym/explanation to a descriptive word
abutting, adjacent, adjoining, attached, beside, bordering, close, conterminous, contiguous, coterminous, neighboring, next, nigh
What season is described in the story?
Knowing that _______ was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.
Mrs. Mallard
Unscramble the phrase:
ahrte eedaiss
heart disease
A synonym/explanation to a descriptive word
smart, clever, bright, sharp, well-informed, apt, wise, brilliant, brainy, witty, talented, sophisticated, skilful
This comfortable item of furniture symbolizes the relief Louise feels as she processes the news.
Her husband's friend _______ was there, too, near her.
Unscramble the phrase:
btiert mtoenm
bitter moment
A synonym/explanation to a descriptive word
boring, uninteresting, monotonous, tedious, tiresome, mundane, lackluster, insipid, flat
This sound from outside, symbolizing life and freedom, reaches Louise’s ears as she sits alone.
It was her sister ______ who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing.
Unscramble the phrase:
arrodlia rsdestia
railroad disaster
A synonym/explanation to a descriptive word
obscured, concealed, masked, cloaked, shrouded, screened, hidden, enshrouded
What does the window symbolize?
The sight of this open feature in Louise’s room symbolizes freedom and possibility.
"_________, open the door! I beg, open the door — you will make yourself ill. What are you doing, _________? For heaven's sake open the door."
Unscramble the phrase:
ysciphla iuoheatsnx
physical exhaustion
A synonym/explanation to a descriptive word
affected, aggrieved, doleful, ill, miserable, pitiable, pitiful, smitten, sore, unfortunate, unlucky, woeful, wretched
What does the season and the fresh scent of rain symbolize this for Louise?
The new spring life and the fresh scent of rain symbolize renewal for Louise.
It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with __________ 's name leading the list of "killed."
Brently Mallard
Unscramble the phrase:
wdil oadabemnntn
wild abandonment