This document outlines all pertinent details of a stand alone course, retreat, etc. and provides coordinators with everything needed to assist in making your session successful (if a complete version is provided in advance and without prompting)!
What is a Program Confirmation?
These presenters require an information packet including an updated CV/resume provided by the coordinator to the business office/UGA HR to determine their eligibility and ideally require 90 days advance notice.
Who are Independent Contractors (ICs)?
These three types of materials required for a session should be outlined in the PC or LOA/MOA so that the coordinator can verify and order/prepare items accordingly.
1. What are assessments?
2. What are books/other publications?
3. What are printed materials?
Login data for this type of session must be downloaded by faculty and provided to the coordinator post-session.
What is Virtual/Zoom?
GTED faculty's role in the creation of these two documents include drafting, editing to include the required FY budget(s).
1. What are Letters of Agreement (LOAs)?
2. What are Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs)?
These presenters with subject matter expertise are employed by CVIOG-UGA and ideally require 60 days advance notice.
Who are Occasional Hourly Professionals (OHPs)?
Under normal circumstances, all materials required for a session are verified and prepped this far in advance.
What is two weeks?
For live/in person sessions, the sign-in sheet/hard copy registration cards/Learning to Action (LTA) forms and evaluations should be returned to the coordinator within this # of business days.
What is 2-3 business days?
Performing a periodic calendar review within this timeframe to ensure you have provided the completed PC including any ICs, and/or OHPs and other deliverables.
What is 3-6 months?
The coordinator generates this document to initiate work within GTED, CVIOG, or another unit of UGA and ideally requires 30-60 days advance notice.
What is a Work Agreement (WA)?
This post-session task (most applicable to retreats) is required so that the coordinator can provide an invoice request to the business office.
What is providing ALL travel expenses to the coordinator?
The two methods of returning the sign-in sheet/hard copy registration cards/Learning to Action (LTA) forms and evaluations.
1. What is In person (if local to Athens)?
2. What is via the pre-paid UPS shipping envelope/pak provided by the coordinator and dropping off at a UPS Store location or in a UPS Dropbox?
Including coordinators in this process during the LOA/MOA phase helps to ensure program expenses are not overlooked.
What is developing the program budget?
A Work Agreement (WA) is required for these presenters.
Who are UGA faculty (CVIOG, Fanning, etc.) other than those listed in the LOA/MOA or outlined in the PC (where applicable)?
Coordinators understand that due to the nature of our work, occasionally sessions are contracted in a short period (and we want to help!). In these instances providing all pertinent details required within this timeframe helps us help faculty.
Ensuring ALL INFORMATION on this document is filled out LEGIBLY, including email, is CRITICAL for back-end registering participants.
What is a registration card?
Coordinators require all data points from LOAs/MOAs and PCs in order to complete these three critical next steps.
1. What is add the session to the GTED CCU Calendar?
2. What is input into PSO Connect?
3. What is submit IC packets/calendar OHPs and/or initiate WAs?
Pending approval from UGA HR these presenters require a signed consultant agreement to include a scope of work which must be renewed annually.
Who are Independent Contractors (ICs)?
Assigned program faculty use this data point specific to the program (LOA/MOA or PC) for associated expenses (materials, travel, etc.)
What is a speedtype?
GTED faculty must review the Learning to Action (LTA) form for full completion including two things the participant learned in the session BEFORE taking these final two steps.
1. What is initialing the LTA?
2. What is providing the participant with the yellow (carbon) copy?