In slang, what does being "extra" mean?
Dramatic, attention grabbing, too much, etc.
Nike Air Jordans are named after this athlete.
Who is Michael Jordan?
This poultry dish is traditionally eaten by Americans at Thanksgiving.
What is turkey?
The number being skip counted by in the pattern: 5,10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40
What is 25?
The inventor of the telephone.
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
In slang, what does "cap" mean?
Lie, falsehood, untrue, bull honkey, etc.
This indoor sport requires you to knock down 10 pins to get a strike.
What is bowling?
This brown sweet is often given as a gift during Valentine's Day.
What is chocolate?
How many degrees are in a right angle?
90 degrees.
Famous blind and mute woman, whose teacher taught her to read and speak.`
Who is Helen Keller?
What GOAT stands for. (hint: Not the animal.)
Greatest Of All Time
The most popular sport across the world
What is football/soccer?
A fruit that is long and purple with a green stem.
What is an eggplant?
The next number in this sequence: 11,15,19,23...
A famous black man, who was born a slave, and ended up as the first principal of the black school the Tuskegee Institute.
Booker T. Washington
True or False: Taylor Swift grew up on a Christmas tree farm between the ages of 5 and 10
A popular sport in Asia. The ball is called a "birdie". Similar to tennis.
What is badminton?
French baked bread with usually a chocolate cream filling.
What is an eclair?
Number of sides in a quadrilateral.
What is 4?
What caused the United States to join World War 2?
Pearl Harbor attacks
Beyonce's oldest child's name.
This sport needs a large indoor space with a lot of room for a padded floor, balance beam, and other equipment.
What is gymnastics?
Fast food chain best known for their 31 flavors of ice cream.
What is Baskin Robbins?
The smallest state in the United States of America.
What is Rhode Island?
The name of the first automobile that the average American family could own.
The Model T / Tin Lizzie