War In Korea
Civil Rights Movement
Post WWII America
The Cold War Begins
Life in the '50s
Who controlled the norther section of Korea after World War 2? A. The United States B. The Soviet Union C. China
What is "B" The Soviet Union controlled the northern section and the United Stated controlled the southern section.
The Civil Rights movement was led by what race of people?
What is "African Americans" After fighting for their country in 2 world wars, African Americans decided they were no longer going to be victims who were denied their political and social rights.
When World War II ended, how did the American public celebrate? A. They waved flags, cheered, honked horns, and cried. B. They held a day of silence to honor those lost. C. There was no celebration./
What is "A" Americans were so happy that the war had ended that thousands celebrated in the streets of our nation's cities. They waved flags, cheered, honked horns and cried because they were so happy their loved ones would be home soon.
What were the 2 main countries in the Cold War?
What is "The United States and The Soviet Union"
Republican Dwight D, Eisenhower was a World war 2 hero and eventually was elected President in 1952. What was his nickname? A. Dewey B. Ike C. Eisey
What is "B". President Eisenhaower's nickname was "Ike"
North Korea invaded South Korea on the 25 of what summer month in 1950?
What is "June." North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950.
The Civil Rights Movement was sparked by what Supreme Court Case in 1954? A. Meyer v. Nebraska B. Plessy V. Ferguson C. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
What is "C" Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. A young African American girl was denied the right to attend a white school. In the decision, the court ruled that separate schools for African Americans and whites was unconstitutional.
How many people died throughout World War II? A. More than 45 Million people. B. More than 50 Million people. C. More than 55 Million people.
What is "C" More than 55 million people were killed during World War 2. The United States alone lost more than 400,000 military men and women.
The United States has a Democracy, The Soviet Union had what form of government? A. Dictatorship B. Communist C. Republic
What is "B" The Soviet Union was a communist country. The United States feared that the Soviet Union had a goal of world domination under communism.
Senator Joseph MacArthy used Americans' fear of communism for his own political gain. He said that Americans from within the country were trying to destroy it and bring it down. His campaign of accusations was called: A. McCarthyism B. Communist Indoctrinism
What is A. Many Americans educators, journalists, and entertainers lost their jobs as a result of his accusations and their reputations were ruined. This became known as McCarthyism.
President Truman refused to call the fighting in Korea a "war" instead he called it what? A. An "occupation action" B. A "stand still initiative" C. A "police action"
What is "C" President Truman called the fighting in Korea a"police action"
In 1955, this now famous black woman refused to give up her seat at the front of the bus to a white person. A. Oprah Winfrey B. Rosa Parks C. Coretta Scott King
What is "B" Rosa Parks was 42 years ol when she refused to give up her seat at the front of the bus for a white person. The bus driver called the police and she was arrested. Her decision to keep her seat was the quiet beginning to the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
How did people view the United States after the war ended? A. They viewed America as weak. B. They viewed America as a world power
What is "B" America was now considered one of the most powerful nations in the world. Not only did the US have the atomic bomb, it also had more responsibilities in the world.
What 2 countries in Europe were almost taken over by Communism? A. Turkey and Romania B. Albania and Bulgaria C. Turkey and Greece
What is "C" The first test of the American policy of containment was tested when Communism attempted to take over Turkey and Greece. The US helped them defeat communist forces by providing them with $400 million.
The Soviet Union developed their own atomic bomb. This caused many Americans to worry about an atomic war. As a result, many Americans built what in their backyards?
What is "Bomb Shelters" Cities even set up air raid warning signals for fear of a nuclear war.
American Troops were led by what General? A. "General MacArthur" B. "General Patton" C. "General Lee"
What is "A" General Douglas MacArthur was commander of the American troops during the Korean war.
This young black minister led the boycott of busses in Montgomery in 1956. A. Martin Luther King Jr. B. Al Compton C. Jesse Jackson
What is "A" Martin Luther King Jr. helped to organize car pools to help African Americans travel around the city. He was arrested for his actions. 2 years later the Supreme Court ruled that segregation on public transportation was unconstitutional.
What organization was formed to help protect countries and keep peace throughout the world? A. The League of Nations B. The World Peace Organization C. The United Nations
What is "C" The United Nations was up to help solve international dispute and maintain peace. Permanent members of the UN security Council were the United States, Great Britain, France, China, and Soviet Union.
This organization considered an attack on one of their members to be an attack on all of them. A. NATO B. United Nations C. Congress
What is "A" NATO - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a group of nations who formed to protect one another against the communist Soviet Union.
What kind of weapons does a nuclear war use?
What is "Atomic Weapons"
What did General MacArthur do that angered President Truman enough that Truman fired him? a) He invaded China b) He refused to send troops to Manchuria c) He asked Congress for permission to bomb China after Truman said no.
What is "C" MacArthur asked Congress for permission to bomb China after Truman refused. President Truman was so angry that he fired MacArther in April of 1951.
In 1957, the Governor of what state tried to prevent 9 African American children from attending an all white school. A. Alabama B. Kentucky C. Arkansas
What is "C" The Governor of Arkansas refused to allow 9 African American children from attending school in Little Rock. The state's National Guard was called in to protect the school. It took President Eisenhower sending in federal troops to help the children before the governor would finally back down.
Who won the election for President of the United States in 1948? A. Harry Truman B. Thomas E. Dewey
What is "A" Harry Truman won the 1948 Presidential election by more than 2 million votes. He had the support of Union workers, as well as African Americans because of his stand on civil rights.
When World War 2 ended, Germany was divided among 4 Allies - The United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. Which 3 of these countries joined their sections together to form the Federal Republic of Germany?
What is "the United States, Great Britain, and France" The Soviet Union objected. To show their anger, they set up a blockade in 1948. This cut off road and train traffic into Berlin. Berlin was open to these other 3 countries but could no longer get supplies from Europe.
What did the American public think of Joseph McArthy as? A. A hero B. A bully C. A Communist
What is "B" When the senate help televised hearings for 36 days in 1954, television audiences viewed McArthy as a lying bully and demanded an investigation into him. A senate committee found that most of McArthy's charge were untrue.