How the ghost at the VC communicates with us.
What is… flushing the toilet.
The director of Placer County CSOC.
Who is… Twyla Abrahamson.
Renee’s middle name.
What is …Renee.
The only fruit that has its seeds on the outside.
What is… a strawberry.
The number of stripes on the American flag.
What is … 13.
The amount of time you have to send in an additional written report after calling intake.
What is …36 hours.
CANS (what does it stand for?)
What is…Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths.
Who is… Alexander graham bell.
A group of pugs.
What is.. a “grumble”.
When gen Z says something is “bussin”:
What is … extremely good/great/excellent.
The dental insurance provider for all placer county covered employees.
What is… delta.
A 26 hearing.
What is… a permanency hearing 120 days after termination of services.
What safety code black means.
What is… person with a weapon.
The worlds hottest chili pepper.
What is… the Carolina reaper.
Chemical symbol for silver.
What is…Ag.
What safety code green means.
What is… a psychiatric emergency.
Where “Placer” County got its name (aka why is it called that):
What is … placer mining (a way of extracting gold from the earth, and this is the area it was primarily used)
Largest mammal in the world.
What is… the blue whale.
Largest island in the world.
What is .. Greenland.
The biggest planet in our solar system.
What is… Jupiter.
The names of all the meeting rooms at the Sunset office.
What are … Rainer, Zion, Redwood, Lassen, Acadia, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Glacier, Yellowstone, Denali.
All closed/official County holidays in a Calendar year : (number of and list them)
What is 12? (New years day,Martin Luther king jr day, president Lincoln’s birthday, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, thanksgiving day, day after thanksgiving, Christmas)
A country where the Unicorn is its national animal.
What is… Scotland.
A European country where it is illegal to own just one Guinea pig.
What is … Switzerland. (Guinea pigs are very sociable creatures, and this country considers isolating them to be animal abuse)
A US President that had a pet alligator that he kept in a White House bathtub.
Who is… John Quincy Adams.