On which day did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples like tongues of fire?
A. Ascension
B. Pentecost
C. Christmas
D. Easter
Which apostle was helped by an angel to escape from prison?
A. Peter
B. Paul
C. John
D. James
A. Peter
How many books of the Bible did Saint Luke write?
Who was the Church’s first martyr?
A. Saint Luke
B. Deacon Stephen
C. The Apostle Paul
D. King Charles
B. Deacon Stephen
Peter said: “We ought to obey _____ rather than _____.” Acts 5:29
God / man
Which deacon helped spread the Word of God to Ethiopia?
A. Philip
B. Paul
C. Cornelius
D. Andrew
A. Philip
In Acts 3, Saints Peter and _______ were going to the temple to pray. They met a ______ man on the way.
A. Barnabas/blind
B. John/lame
C. James/lame
D. Cornelius/nauseated
B. John/lame
How many days after His resurrection did Jesus ascend to Heaven?
What was the name of the man who started off persecuting the Church and then became a disciple of Christ?
A. Robin
B. Joseph
C. Saul
D. Cornelius
C. Saul
“See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?” Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the ___ of ___.” Acts 8:36-37
Son of God
Jesus predicted three things would happen to His disciples as they started the Church. Which of the following is NOT of the three?
A. Church growth
B. Health and wealth
C. Persecution
D. Miracles
B. Health and wealth
Who was the saintly woman who Saint Peter raised from the dead in Joppa?
A. Priscilla
B. Brittney
C. Agatha
D. Tabitha
D. Tabitha
How many times was Peter’s vision repeated?
When the Jews plotted to kill Saul, what did the disciples use to help him escape?
A. A horse
B. A racecar
C. A tunnel
D. A basket
D. A basket
Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a ________ received Him out of their sight. Acts 1:9
What did God use to convince Peter to preach to the Gentiles?
A. A blinding light on a road trip
B. Saint James gave him a lecture
C. A vision that repeated three times
D. Serious study of the Scriptures
C. A vision that repeated three times
What miracle happened after Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch?
A. He was taken up to Heaven
B. He grew 3 inches
C. He teleported
D. He ran as fast as a cheetah
C. He teleported
How many people joined the Church on the day of Pentecost?
What did Peter do while he was in prison?
A. He knit a scarf
B. He prayed
C. He wrote a book
D. He cried and yelled
B. He prayed
Then Peter said, “______ and ______ I do not have, but what I do have I give you: in the name of ________ ______ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Acts 3:6
Jesus Christ
What good result came from Saul persecuting the Church?
Believers scattered and God’s Word spread
People were healed just by being touched by Peter's _________
A. Shadow
B. Cloak
C. Foot
D. Hair
A. Shadow
How many men were chosen to be the first deacons?
Why did the Christians disperse from Jerusalem and disperse all over the Roman world?
A. They all lost their jobs
B. Persecution after the death of St. Stephen
C. A horrible plague infected the people in Jerusalem
D. An earthquake destroyed the city
B. Persecution after the death of St. Stephen
The disciples were called to be witnesses to Jesus in Jerusalem, and in all _______ and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8