Infer 2
How old was Annie the first time she walked on the road alone?
Why does the author include the flashback about the first time Annie walked to the chemist?
To show that Annie's mom trusted and was proud of her.
In what way is Annie walking through time as well as space?
As Annie walked she sees landmarks that remind her of her past.
Where did the author move from and where did she move to?
Antigua -------> New York
What can you infer about Annie's father when he kisses her good-bye; tells her to be good and to write home but then looks at the floor?
That he has trouble expressing his emotions and saying, "I love you".
Where did Annie go on evening walks with her dad?
To the jetty.
Why does the author include the flashback about Mrs. Dulcie?
To show that Annie is letting bad feelings go.
Annie's mother cries a lot. What does this say about her personality?
That she is emotional and doesn't mind showing it.
Examine this sentence: "I dragged myself away from her and backed off a little bit, and then I shook myself, as if to wake myself out of a stupor." What odes stupor mean?
Mental dullness, as if drugged.
DAILY DOUBLE!!! How was Annie walking through space and time as she walked to the jetty?
Annie was walking through space as she saw landmarks that remind her of other times in her life. That is how she is also walking through time – she is remembering her life – she’s walking down “memory lane”.
Describe how Annie's father and mother say good-bye to her.
Annie’s father says to write home often and then he looks like he has something important to say, then walks away. Annie’s mother tears up, grabs her tightly and sobs farewell.
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Why does the author include the flashback about Annie's eye problems?
To show how Annie’s mother was devoted to her and eager to please her.
What effect does the 1st person point of view have on the description of Annie's fear of falling through the boards of the jetty?
It make the fear more understandable to the reader - more vivid.
Describe Annie's response to leaving the island.
She was crying because she was leaving her parents and everything that she knew. “As if a vessel filled with liquid had been placed on its side and now was slowly emptying out.”
What can you infer about Annie's mother's personality as they wait to board the boat? Remember how she made sure that Annie had money and important papers: she fussed over her.
Annie's mother was keeping herself busy so that she didn't have to think about Annie's leaving.
Who is Mrs. Dulcie?
The seamstress who Annie apprenticed under who didn't teach her about sewing.
Why does the author include the flashback about going to the library?
She had a close relationship with her mom and they value reading.
Why do you think that the author wrote this story to begin with?
Possible answers: To inspire people who are moving. To entertain with a vivid depiction of island memories.
Do you personally admire Annie for leaving? Back up your opinion with examples.
Answer can be: yes, because she is trying to better her life and she has guts to do so. No, because she is leaving her family. Up to teacher's judgement.
How might reading at the library have contributed to Annie's desire to leave Antigua?
She opened up her world by reading and it may have influenced her to similarly open up her world by moving away from her home.
What does it mean to draw inferences?
To reach conclusions about characters in literature based on their speech, thoughts and actions.
Why does the author describe Annie's feelings as "bobbing up and down" ?
She had mixed emotions about leaving people and places that she knew.
What does the different ways that Annie's parents say good-bye to her reveal about their personalities?
The mother’s crying indicates a closeness. Her father was more retrained and didn't know how to express his feelings.
Do you think that Annie will be successful after she moves? Prove you opinion using details from the story.
Student must point out that Annie is brave, resourceful, clever, smart etc... That these qualities will help her be a success.
Why does Annie re-experience her old fear of falling through the boards of the jetty?
She fears her uncertain and unknown future.