What is Somkit's favorite thing? (He talked about this with Pong as they dreamt of life outside the prison)
What is the name of the place that is crowded with middle/lower class families? This setting is also described as a "rainbow of lights".
East Chattana
Why does Mr. Sivapan do whatever Mrs. Sivapan wants? Ex: changing jobs, possibly leaving Nok, etc.
Because he cheated on her! :(
Name that figurative language!
She was as happy as a clam
Name one theme that occurs throughout the book.
Reminder: a theme is a moral or lesson of the story that the author is trying to convey
Answers will vary :)
Name Mr. Sivapan's old AND new job title.
1) Warden Sivapan
2) Commissioner (of light and law) Sivapan
What is the name of the place that is more spread out with upper class families? This setting is also described as having only gold orbs.
What moment could be listed as the inciting incident on a plot diagram. Note: inciting incident is the event that kick starts the story!
When Pong escapes prison in the basket of durians
Name that figurative language:
My to-do listed nagged me to get back to work
What sport/hobby does Nok practice.
What is the shape of the tattoo that Pong has an where is it (be as specific as possible)?
A gold star on his inner left wrist
Compare and contrast Taniburi & Namwon. Create a venn diagram on your white board.
Answers will vary! Ms. Barringer will judge answers.
What was the first lesson that Father Cham taught Pong?
Which dipping sauce goes best with pork dumplings :).
Name that figurative language!
It was time for me to go on stage, but suddenly I had cold feet.Idiom = nervous
What is the final blessing that Father Cham gives to Pong?
“My wish for you is that you find what you are looking for” (pg. 111).
Brother Yam
What is the name of the men's prison?
Other than the Great Fire, what was the main reason for Chattana's downfall? (before the Gov. got power)
Name that figurative language:
My room is a cave
Am, is, are, was, were, be, being, & been
Name the character that turned in Pong to the monks for stealing their food. This character also hosted the Sivapans when they visited Tanaburi.
Mrs. Viboom
What is the name of the temple located on the top of the mountain?
Wat Singh
Why did Father Cham not wish away Pong's tattoo?
In case he needs it some day...
Name that figurative language!
My grandmother says I'm the apple of her eye.
Idiom = something that is very important to you, and you are extremely fond of them
What is the quote that the Governor said to Pong when he was still at Namwon? This quote haunts Pong.
"Light shines on the worthy" (pg. 24).
"Those born in darkness always return" (pg. 18).
"The world is full of darkness, and that will never change" (pg. 29).