The narrator and her mother went to London to see the
They were waiting for a _______ when the small man turned up
Who is the author of the story "Umbrella man"?
Roald Dahl
Who is the landlady?
The woman who owns the bed & breakfast
Who is Billy Weaver?
How old was the daughter?
Where did they go after the dentist?
to a cafe
What did the mother and daughter do when it started to rain?
They left the café.
When Billy heard the price of the room, he thought it was...
fantastically cheap
Billy had decided that _________ was the one
common characteristic of all successful
At the beginning, her mother was_______to/of the old man
What was the narrator's description of the small man?
He was a gentleman and well-dressed
What did the old man ask the mother and daughter for?
A pound to pay for a taxi.
How did Billy feel when he began walking up to the Bed and Breakfast?
strangely hypnotized
The landlady tells Billy that she only excepts lodger who are...
exactly right
What did the old man offer in exchange for the pound?
His silk umbrella.
What did the mother and daughter do when they saw the old man walking fast?
They ran after him.
By the time Billy Weaver made it into Bath it was...
When Billy came downstairs, the landlady offered him...
a cup of tea and a ginger biscuit
When the landlady says that Christoper Mulholland and Gregory Temple never left the bed and breakfast, what does author imply?
They are deceased and stuff in the bed and breakfast.
Why did the girl want to go back into the cafe?
She wanted another banana split.
What did the doctor do to the girl?
He filled the tooth
As they sat together, Billy and the landlady talked about...
the previous guests that had stayed in the house
the parrot
the dachshund curled up by the fire
According to the landlady, the reason she rarely had visitors was that.
she was inclined to be too choosy and particular
After showing him to his room, the landlady asked Billy to come downstairs to...
sign her guestbook