What does The Happy Medium see while viewing her crystal globe
The Black Thing
Who is the oldest of the three witches
Mrs. Which
What is the planet that Aunt Beast inhabits
Go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment
What type and color was the ball that they were bouncing on Camazotz
A brown rubber ball
How old are Sandy and Dennys
10 years old
Where is Uriel located
Hostile and aggresive
What are the pet(s) of the Murray family
Fortinbras and the kitten
What was the name of the guy who tessered before Mr. Murray
What is the Happy Medium's planet called
A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
What was in Mrs. Murray's sandwich
Liverwurst and creme cheese
Who is the principle that got Meg in trouble
Mr. Jenkins
Where is the Happy Medium's planet located
Orion's belt
Entertaining or amusing
What was Charles Wallace's sandwich
Bread and Jam
How old is Mrs. Whatsit
2,379,152,497 years, 8 months, and 3 days old
Where did they land when the first tessered to Camazotz
On a hill
Lasting for a very short time.
What does Charles Wallace put in Meg's sandwich
Lettuce and Tomato