What is a Viruses
Non living particles that are completely reliant on the host for cell survival.
What is a Fomite
Inanimate object that carries microorganisms (surgical equipment, walls, tables)
What is Surgically Clean
Mechanically cleaned and chemically disinfected but not sterile (surgical scrub)
Should instruments be sprayed with a Enzymatic solution before leaving the OR
What is Asepsis
Absence of pathogenic microorganisms or disease
What is Indigenous Microflora
Microbial populations that normally reside in body tissues (skin) or body systems (respiratory or digestive tract)
What is Terminal Disinfection
To render items safe to hand by high-level disinfection
After the Washer-Decontaminator instruments are considered what
clean and they are safe for handling
What is Bioburden
The number of microbes or amount of organic debris on an object at any given time (surgical instruments or supplies)
What is a Infection
Invasion of the human body or tissue by pathogenic microorganisms that reproduce and multiply, causing disease
What is Transient Microflora
Microbes that have been deposited on to the skin surface and are easily removed with a routine hand washing
Steam Sterilization is considered to be what
Most dependable method of sterilization in which all microbes, including spores, are destroyed.
most metal surgical instruments, powered instruments, micro instruments
What is Decontamination
To reduce the microbial population on a surface or item to a sub-pathogenic level
What is a Pathogen
Any microbe capable of causing disease or infection
What is Sterilization
Destruction of all microorganisms, including spores, on nonliving surfaces.
What is Gas Sterilization
used to process materials that cannot be processed using steam sterilization, such as heat or moisture sensitive materials (powered instruments, delicate instruments, fiber optic instruments, lensed instruments, plastic, rubber, porous instruments, moisture or heat sensitive instruments).
What is Aseptic Principles
Principles applied through use of aseptic techniques to prevent pathogenic microbial contamination of the surgical environment
What is Sterile
Having been rendered free of all living microorganisms including spores
What is Disinfection
The process by which most, but not all, microorganisms located on nonliving surfaces are destroyed.
What is Ethylene Oxide (EtO)
chemical used in this sterilization process and has been used to sterilize materials that would be damaged by high steam temperatures.