leer y escribir
read and write
cabeza y cuello
head and neck
I can see with my...
sol y luna
sun and moon
blusa, camisa y camiseta
blouse, shirt, and t-shirt
escuchar y hablar
listen and speak
mano y brazo
hand and arm
I can feel / touch with my...
skin / hands
nube y nublado
cloud and cloudy
falda y vestido
skirt and dress
caminar y correr
walk and run
hombros y codos
shoulders and elbows
I can taste with my...
tongue / mouth
lluvia y lluvioso
rain and rainy
zapatos y tenis (deportivos)
shoes and sneakers /trainers / tennis shoes
comer y tomar
eat and drink
rodillas y pies
knees and feet
I can hear with my...
viento y ventoso
wind and windy
ropa interior y calcetas
underwear and socks
pasear / montar
ojos y dientes
eyes and teeth
I can smell with my...
neblina y neblinoso
fog and foggy
chaqueta y saco
jacket and coat