The action needed to receive answers
D&C 6:5
What is ask and knock?
Have you had the opportunity to ask or knock lately? Or a time when you should have and didn’t?
The location of these revelations
D&C 6-9
Where is Harmony Pennsylvania
He asked us to Look unto Him in every
D&C 6:36
Who is Jesus Christ?
Means of doing much good
D&C 6:7-8
If… you keep my commandments
D&C 6:9
Then…you shall be blessed
A feeling you can get when answer is right
D&C 9:8
What is a burning in bosom
Have you ever had a similar feeling?
How do you recognize the spirit?
The day Oliver Cowdery becomes the scribe
D&C 6
What is April 7, 1829 (1 yr before church organized)
The translator of the Book of Mormon
D&C 6:25
Who is Joseph Smith
Fear Not
D&C 6:36
If…you seek to bring forth and establish
the cause of Zion D&C 6:6-7
Then…the mysteries of God shall be
Unfolded unto you
Used to enlighten Oliver’s mind
D&C 6:15
What is the Spirit of Truth?
When have you had your mind enlightened?
The prophet used us to inquire of the Lord
D&C 6,7
What are the Urim and Thummin?
He helped Joseph translate the plates
Who is Oliver Cowdrey?
Tell you in your mind
D&C 8:2
If… you doubt not
D&C 8:8
Then… you will do marvelous works
Without this you can do nothing
D&C 8:10
What is faith?
The river close to the home Joseph was
living during these revelations
What is the Susquehanna River?
They hold the gospel keys
D&C 7
Who are Peter, James and John?
Study it out in your mind
D&C 9:7-9
If…you sow good
D&C 6:33
Then…you shall reap good
Oliver was told to do this in order to gain a further witness
What is cast your mind upon that night that you cried unto me.
Are you recording your tender mercies so you can look back and remember past answers?
They owned the property Joseph and
Emma lived on at this time
Who are Emma’s Parents? Macks
He desired to perform a greater work
D&C 7:5
Who is John the Beloved
Fear not to do good
D&C 6:30
If…you stand fast in the work
D&C 9:14
Then…you shall be lifted up at the
last day