What did Joseph's brothers do to him?
Sold him into slavery
How many dreams did Pharaoh have?
2 dreams
Why did Joseph's brothers travel to Egypt?
To buy grain
When the brothers went home the first time, what did they find in the bags of grain?
They found their silver
Romans 8:28 God works________toward good for those who love him
All things, most things, few things, nothing
all things
Why were Joseph's brothers jealous of him?
Joseph was Jacobs favorite
What did the little things do to the big things
the little ate the big
Which brother did not go?
Who offered to to go in Benjamins place as a slave
Joseph had 2 what?
Dogs, Cats, daughters or sons
How long was Joseph in jail for?
2 years
What was the meaning of the dreams
7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine
Why did Jacob not let the brother go?
He was worried something bad would happen to him
When Joseph revealed who he was the brother felt what>
Joseph's brothers went back home to what
Avoid famine, plant grains in fields or bring their families to Egypt
bring families to Egypt
Why was Joseph let out of jail?
He was able to tell Pharaoh the meaning of his dreams with the help of God
What was in his first dream?
7 big and healthy cows and 7 little scrawny cows
When Benjamin went to Egypt who cried when he saw him?
What was put in the youngest brothers sack?
Josephs gold cup
The feeling or knowledge that we have done something wrong means what
guilt, grain, trustworthy
What was Joseph's rule in Egypt after he was released from jail?
To prepare Egypt for famine. 2nd in command to Pharaoh
What was in his 2nd dream
7 healthy grains and 7 scorched grains
When the brothers all ate together who got more food?
Back home the brothers told_____that Joseph was still alive?
What was Josephs oldest sons name?
Judah, Ephraim, Jacob, Manasseh