Artificial Intelligence, Deep and Machine learning

What is computer programming? 

Programming is the process of creating computer programs in a special language, turning algorithms and data structures into some instruction that a computer can execute. 


What is OOP?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is an approach that views a program as a collection of objects that interact with each other. Each has properties and behavior.


Give examples of high level programming languages?

 Python, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Delphi, Perl, PHP, ECMAScript, Ruby, C#, Java and many others.


What is an AI?

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.


What is a programming language? Name two groups of programming languages.

A programming language is a formal language designed to write computer programs. Low-level ang high-level.


Name the main concepts of OOP?

Object, class, method, encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction.


Which programming language's logo looks like a coffee cup?



What are the pros and cons of AI?

The benefits of AI include efficiency through task automation, data analysis for informed decisions, assistance in medical diagnosis, and the advancement of autonomous vehicles. The drawbacks of AI include job displacement, ethical concerns about bias and privacy, security risks from hacking, a lack of human-like creativity and empathy.


Match the words with definitions.

1) Instruction         a) a single line of code that     performs a specific task.

2) Sequence           b) having everything that is       needed and vitally improtant  within itself.               

3) Self-contained      c) the order in which               statements are executed.

4) Statement            d) the set of rules that defines   the combinations of symbols.

5) Syntax                 e) a system of notations for     writing programs

6) Language             f) a single operation of a           processor.

1 - f

2 - c

3 - b

4 - a

5 - d

6 - e


Which programming languages belong to the object-oriented class?

C++, Python, PHP, Java Script, Java.


What is coding in simple terms?

Coding can be defined as writing instructions for computers and other hardware.


Where and in what area is artificial intelligence currently used?

Virtual Assistant or Chatbots

Agriculture and Farming

Autonomous Flying

Retail, Shopping and Fashion

Security and Surveillance

Sports Analytics and Activities

Manufacturing and Production

Live Stock and Inventory Management


What is a programming paradigm? Name types of programming paradigms.

A programming paradigms refers a way conceptualising and structuring the tasks a computer performs. Procedural, Functional, Logical and Object-oriented.


Highlight the advantages of OOP over procedural programming?

OOP makes modifying and managing code simpler, especially in big projects, because changes in one object don't affect others. It also supports inheritance for code reusability and polymorphism for flexible, intuitive coding, unlike procedural programming.


What are high-level languages used for and what are their features?

High-level programming languages are intended to be easily readable by humans, which means that they make use of many English descriptive words to organize the program.


What is the machine learning, deep learning?

Machine Learning means computers learning from data using algorithms to perform a task without being explicitly programmed. Deep Learning uses a complex structure of algorithms modeled on the human brain.


Name the types of errors and they desrciptions.

Syntax error - when an instruction doesn't follow the grammar of programming language.

Logic error - it is a type of runtime error in the coherence and design of a program.

Runtime error - it occurs when a program is executed and can result of instructions that computer can't execut.


Method vs Message in OOP. Class vs Object in OOP. Explain the definitions.

Method: It is a segment of code that defines an action. 

Message activates method.

Class: The model or standard about the capability of what an object can do. 

Object: The instance of a class.


Tell us a little about the Python programming language? Its advantages and disadvantages?

Python is multi purpouse language with simple and time saving program syntax. Like every other programming language, Python has pros and cons. While it is known for its readability, versatility, and thriving library ecosystem, it also has limitations, such as performance limitations and occasionally slower execution speed than C or C++. 


Match the words with definitions.

1) AI

2) Machine learning

3) Deep learning

a) It provides the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicity programmed.

b) It use the neural networks to analyze different factors.

c) It studies ways to built intelligent programs and machines that can creatively solve problems.

d) It is the program that can sense, reason, act, adapt.

e) Its algorithms improve their performance as they are exposed to more data over time.

f) It learns from a vast amount of data.

g) It is the study of training your computer to mimic human brains.

1 c d g

2 b e

3 a f
