Your neighbor just wants you to check when her next appt is next time you are working? Can you?
No, Don't get into accounts on people you know. Respect their privacy and have them call 5050.
How can I view openings on any template?
View Schedules
A patient is coming in from the state hospital/Jail/prison, who should you notify?
Security via email and tag Melody. Provide Patients MRN, date/time of appt and cross out the SSN if you send a snip. Exposed SSN is reported to the director.
After what time must we ask for approval for next-day add-ons in Radiology?
Who on the team got married this month?
Your child is home from pre school today, They're just going to sit behind you and watch you work. Is that okay?
No, You must be in a private work space where patient information cannot be repeated. It goes against the work from home policy.
Where can I find a consent form in a patients chart?
Media manager
If Cinderella is allergic to iodine/contrast, what is the only location she can have her procedure?
Bridwell (Barnett does not have a crash cart)
What room is the 3T machine?
Bridwell MRI room 2
Who became a great aunt this month?
Your internet went down, How long do you have to investigate the issue before your coordinator/manager clocks you out?
15 mins.
A son doesn't have a consent form on file but would like to schedule his mothers EEG? can he?
Yes, If they know the procedure you can schedule- you just cant share any personal information.
If a snow white says she has a dermal, Can she have a MRI?
No, A dermal is a piercing the sits flat on the skin with no exit point. Patient will to contact provider for removal or another test option.
What is the new start time for CT speed pass?
Who on the team had a birthday this month?
How many attendance points equals a first corrective?
How many points is 1 unexcused absence?
How many points is a tardy?
After sending query, How do I know if the insurance was correct?
By reading the response
If a patient is an WFISD/MSU athlete, per the contract, how soon do they need to scheduled?
If they visited ortho clinic in the last 24 hours, they are to be scheduled within 24 hours.
What are the 3 start times for CT Cardiac Angiograms?
9am, 10am and 11am
Who's kiddo got 1st place in the clay country live stock show this month?
Employee PFT, What do I Mark the insurance so the patient is not billed?
UR Employee Protection Plan
Can a patient coming in for Medical Nutritional Therapy do telehealth?
Yes, mark it as bariatric on the questionnaire and put in the notes coming for MNT
How long are screening mammo orders good for?
14 months
If a MRI patient has a pacemaker, does their cardiologist have to be local?
No- Not with MRIs new policy
Jana recently shared vacation photos of herself with animals. What country was she visiting?