X + 25=100
What is 75
California's capital is in Northern California. What is the name of the city?
What is Sacramento?
The total number of ASAP staff?
What is 6?
What is the square root of 81?
Every state has a nickname. What is California's?
What is the Golden State?
Name 3 of the Youth Bold Staff?
Who are Nicole, Zach, Estrella, Jonathan or Arrisbeth?
25 X 5 - 50 + 3=
what is 78
Disneyland can be found in this city.
What is Anaheim
How many students do we have in our cohort?
Johnny has 4 apples, 2 oranges and 1 lime. He gives 2 apples away. He adds 1 pineapple and 1 lime. He gives away 1 orange and 1 lime. Which fruit does he have the most of?
What is apple. 2
What is Amador City?
Our Executive Director's first name is Diego: what is his last name?
300 divided by 10 multiply by 5 divided by 25 multiply by 2 plus 1.
what is 13
Each state has a big city. What is the biggest city in California?
What is Los Angeles?
What does BOLD stand for?
Building our Leaders and Dreamers