In what year was Central University founded?
What is the name of this main administrative building?
What is the past tense of "go"?
Where can students buy books and supplies on campus?
University bookstore.
What is the official motto of the university?
Wisdom is the most powerful of all.
This place is where students spend time reading and researching. What is it?
University Library
Name one difference between American and British English.
"Color" (US) vs. "Colour" (UK)
Name one student service offered at Central University.
Counseling, tutoring, or sports facilities.
Who was the first rector of the university?
José Fernández Salvador.
This building hosts cultural events, theater plays, and conferences. What is its name?
University Theater
What is the study of the sounds of a language called?
Which faculty is in charge of the English major?
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Educational Sciences.
What is the name of the main library at Central University?
Biblioteca General de la UCE.
What is the name of this famous open space where students relax and socialize?
Plaza Indoamérica
What are the three types of conditionals?
Zero, First, Second, Third
Name one popular extracurricular activity for English students.
Debate club, language exchange.