Though gold jewelry will likely not cause metal toxicity, this similar metal can cause vomiting, depression, hemolytic anemia, liver injury, and death. Better keep your pets away from your change…and maybe the Statue of Liberty too
This disease, more common in dogs than cats, causes the heart to enlarge which leads to decreased contractility and more work for the heart. Was he on a grain free diet?
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
This iconic candy, known for cute messages but chalky sweet taste, started out as a lozenge before the creators switched over to candy-making
Activated charcoal is a popular adsorbent that helps reduce systemic absorption of certain drugs/toxins. It unfortunately doesn’t work for this toxin which can cause hypoglycemia and liver failure. Trident anyone?
Ah ah ah ah stayin’ alive- it’s recommended when doing chest compressions to keep it to how many compressions per minute?
100-120 bpm
This delicious treat has two toxic components and depending on the amount eaten and the type of treat, it can cause GI signs, arrhythmias, or even CNS signs at super toxic levels.
Chocolate (Theobromine and Caffeine)
More commonly called this, an aortic thromboembolism occurs when clots form in the blood and lodge in arteries, leading to weakness, pain, and cold extremities from lack of blood flow. Giddy-up kitty cat!
Saddle Thrombus
A club in Verona, Italy answers love letters addressed to this Shakespearean tragic protagonist and each year, one letter gets an award for being the most romantic
This anti-nausea medication is actually an antihistamine that works really well for motion sickness and dizziness. It also works well in humans without the drowsiness side effect. Maybe you and Fido can share?
This drug, when given during CPR, helps to block vagal tone and treat bradycardia. New guidelines suggest to only give once during CPR as anything further may cause more harm than good
Don’t pop the bubbly just yet- this toxic component of alcohol can be seen in beverages, fermented fruit, hand sanitizers, and even raw bread dough. It is useful as a treatment for ethylene glycol toxicity though
When listening to a murmur, if you hear it clearly (as loud as the heart beat) on one side but not on the other, you would grade it what?
Grade 3 out of 6
This profession gets the most Valentines, passing even family members and loved ones. I guess Valentine's chocolate is better than an apple
While Ivermectin is a wonder drug for many parasites, it is contra-indicated in breeds with this mutation because it can build up in the brain, leading to tremors, seizures, and blindness.
MDR1 Mutation
When you are performing CPR and you get the patient back it is called what?
Return of Spontaneous Circulation
These flowers are a popular addition to any bouquet for Valentine’s day and even have their own festival in Amsterdam. Just keep them away from your pets- all parts of the plant (especially the bulb) are toxic, and can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, and trouble breathing.
The term “Valentine Heart” is used to describe radiographs for cats with this disease which leads to thickening of the heart muscle, making it harder for the heart to relax.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Despite current depictions of Cupid as a chubby winged baby, he was originally known as this Greek god who was the son of Aphrodite and carried two sets of arrows- one for love and one for hate
This medication, though not as common as Keppra or Phenobarbital, is an anticonvulsant which has side effects like lethargy, vomiting, and (though rare) aggression.
Potassium Bromide
According to the 2024 RECOVER guidelines for CPR, it is now recommended to achieve an ETCO2 of how much when giving compressions and manual ventilation?
At least 18 mmHg- optimizes circulatory support
While delicious when covered in chocolate, this small fruit has a pit that can cause cyanide poisoning. Fortunately, it is only seen in very large quantities, but then you have to worry about GI obstruction.
Is that an arrhythmia or are you just happy to see me? This arrhythmia causes a high heart rate and symptoms may include heavy breathing, lethargy, collapse, and sudden death.
Ventricular Tachycardia
Dio Mio! Though there is debate about the identity of the real St. Valentine, the most common story involves a man who was executed for marrying couples in secret in what city?
Rome (in the 3rd Century)
Acetaminophen can be used as an analgesic or fever reducer in conjunction with or in place of other pain medications. But be careful- it should NEVER be used in these two species
Cats and Ferrets
After a round of compressions, you stop momentarily to check the ecg and palpate pulses. This is the ECG you see but you don’t feel any pulses. Is this a shockable rhythm?
PEA (pulseless electrical activity)- NOT shockable