The type of letter at the beginning of a sentence.
What is a capital?
3/4 + 0.25.
What is 1?
Where the objectives lens is mounted.
What is on a microscope?
Where Ms. Harper keeps the books that are not on the bookshelf.
What is in the cupboard above the counter?
The meaning in English of mes amis.
What is my friends?
The elements of a complete sentence.
What are a subject noun and verb?
The next term in the pattern 1, 4, 10, 22.
What is 56?
The appropriate number of squirrels to be added to the classroom on days when Ms. Harper is absent.
What is ZERO?!
The names of the two novels we have finished as a class.
What are Among the Hidden and Holy Enchilada?
The device that counts the beat in music.
What is a metronome?
Small comments written directly on a piece of work.
What are annotations?
Estimate the square root of 11.
What is 3.25?
The age people born in 2011 will be next year.
What is 15?
What is peanut curry?
The names of Canada's 6 time zones in French.
What are... you'll have to check each other's answer since Ms. Harper forgets.
The picture book that won the picture book awards.
What is the True Story of the Three Little Pigs?
Estimate the square root of 76.
What is 8.5?
What is sign out and take the hall pass?
The acceptable uses for a kleenex.
What is blowing your nose.
What we are learning in music right now.
What is film analogy?
The subject noun and verb in the this sentence are:
After swimming all day, Mr. Jo decided to eat a slice of pizza.
What are Mr. Jo and decided.
Convert 27.65 km to mm.
What is 27 650 000 mm?
The sport Canada is known for.
What is hockey (or lacrosse)?
The name of our hall pass.
What is Harold?
The formula for density.
What is d = m/v?