It is progressive, has signs and symptoms, is treatable but not curable and can be fatal
What is the disease of Addiction?
nonprofit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major probelm
What is NA?
deep breathing, journaling, exercise and reaching out
What are coping skills?
Substances used to treat pain or help sleep
What are opiates?
Jail, DUI, fines, probation and felonies
What are Legal consequences?
Principals that emphasize the importance of self reflection, spiritual growth and helping others
What are 12 step meetings?
Self-help organization for people with a desire to stop drinking
What is AA?
limits and rules set to define what is acceptable in your inner action with others
What are boundaries?
Speeds up your central nervous system
permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue
What is death?
The lowest point in a person's life
What is rock bottom?
Uses CBT to transform from negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.
What is SMART recovery?
family, friends, professionals, meetings, higher power
What are supports?
works as a depressant to produce sedation and hypnosis
- relieves anxiety and muscle spasms
What are benzodiazepines?
HIV, Hep C, weight loss, tooth decay
What is physical health?
track marks, isolation, nodding out, slurred speech, dilated pupils, impulsive behaviors
What are signs and symptoms?
church, higher power, meditation and prayer
What is spiritual supports?
Restraining oneself from activities that are generally considered pleasurable
What is abstinence?
slows down the central nervous system
What are depressants?
not being trusted, divorce, isolation
What is loss of relationship?
Body aches, cold sweats, vomiting, shakes
What is withdrawal?
Friends other people in recovery, mentors, group members
What are peers?
Rehab, outpatient, MAT, medications, mental health
What is treatment?
produce altered states of consciousness charachris by alteration in thought, mood and perception
What are hallucinogens?
tent city, living on the streets
What is homelessness?