Language Disorders
Speech Sound, Motor Speech, & Fluency Disorders
Research & EBP
Voice & Dysphagia
A & P and Practice

A 3 y/o child is brought to a speech and language clinic and is suspected of having a language disorder. Upon initial interview, the child's parents reveal that the child first learned to speak English, and they have now begun to teach the child Spanish. Following the evaluation, the SLP determines that the child demonstrates age-appropriate linguistic skills with English, but presents with significant difficulty with Spanish. When reporting the presence or absence of a language disorder, the SLP will report this.

What is no language disorder or the absence of a language disorder?


A child is brought to an SLP clinic by the child's parents, who provide a chief complaint of "being hard to understand." The SLP administers a comprehensive speech evaluation and reveals the following errors: /bu/ for /blu/, /gin/ for /grin/, and /sar/ for /star/. The child demonstrates this phonological process.

What is cluster simplification? 


An SLP is completing a study to prove that two different treatment approaches provide differing amounts of progress in persons with aphasia. They would like to utilize a strict statistical test in order to prove significance between the amounts of progress. After considering a one-tailed test, a meta-analysis, a two-tailed test, and a Cochran Q test, it was determined this method would be the best.

What is the two-tailed test?


While performing a modified barium swallow study, the SLP discovers that the patient is experiencing premature spillage into the pharyngeal cavity, where the bolus sits for many seconds before being swallowed. The patient is having difficulty with this.

What is initiation of the swallow?


This muscle contributes to hyolaryngeal depression.

What is the sternohyoid?


A person with acute onset of aphasia whose first language is Spanish and who knows only a few words of English has been assigned to the caseload of a monolingual English-speaking SLP in a large urban medical center. In order to properly evaluate the language skills of this individual, the SLP will need to elicit the help of this professional.

What is an interpreter?


After a speech/language evaluation, an SLP has diagnosed a 3 y/o client with an articulation disorder, characterized by difficulty producing the phonemes /l/, /r/, and "th". The SLP considers the natural phonology theory, the distinctive features theory, the behavioral theory, and the interactionist-discovery theory and decides, due to the client's young age, this is an age-appropriate finding, as the child hasn't learned many sounds that "come before" the problem sounds using this theory. 

What is the distinctive features theory?


A clinician in private practice is looking to purchase speech and language evaluations. She is interested in a test that will correctly rule out children who do not have speech and language disorders. This clinician should look up information in the evaluation manuals regarding this.

What is specificity?


An SLP at a skilled nursing facility has been asked by a nurse to perform a swallowing evaluation on an elderly patient with whom they have been working. The SLP notices increased duration of the swallow, reduction in smell and taste, increased presence of aspiration, and lower salivary flow. Of these changes, this one is abnormal.

What is increased presence of aspiration?


These cranial nerves serve both motor and sensory functions.

What are V trigeminal, IX glossopharyngeal, and X vagus?


Jennifer is a middle-school student who was diagnosed with Fragile-X syndrome at birth and presents with language difficulties typically associated with Fragile-X syndrome. The SLP is trying to decide which skills to address that will yield the greatest benefits. When considering the following, this option would be best:

Executive functions and semantic skills

Semantic and syntactic skills

Auditory and pragmatic skills

Pragmatic and reading skills

What are auditory and pragmatics skills?


Mrs. Lyons is a 55 y/o teacher in a large urban school district. She was recently forced to transfer to a different school because of reorganization. The new school has a history of conflict with parents and students, takes an extra hour of commute time for Mrs. Lyons, and she is sad about leaving her friends at the former school. While teaching, Mrs. Lyons notes that she is starting to stutter and she is frustrated and angry. When students laugh, she notes that it gets worse. When she comes for an evaluation, she responds immediately to cues provided by the SLP and her speech is fluent. Mrs. Lyons is likely exhibiting this type of stutter.

What is psychogenic stuttering?


An SLP researcher is designing a research study to determine the effect of time spent in intervention, dosage of intervention and type of feedback on the amount of progress made in children with phonological disorders. Considering the following types of experiments (nonparametric, parametric, within-subjects, and between-subjects) the researcher should utilize this method.

What is parametric experiment?


A patient recently admitted to an acute rehabilitation hospital is presenting with hoarse vocal quality following spinal surgery. After the SLP consult, the patient reports he believes his vocal quality has changed since the surgery and that it is beginning to affect his self-perception. Following comprehensive voice assessment, the SLP notes that the patient is presenting with mild vocal fold edema, most likely caused by intubation during surgery. After considering the following approaches (a vocal function exercise regimen, vocal hygiene principles, LSVT, and AAC), this one was determined to be the most appropriate.

What is vocal hygiene principles?


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in neural signals involved in motor movement. Lack of dopamine has been associated with disease processes such as Parkinson's disease. The net result of dopamine release to direct and indirect pathways of this part of the brain faciliates movement.

What is the basal ganglia (or substantia nigra)?


A patient who had a stroke was referred for a language and cognitive evaluation. The referral specifically mentioned that the man had trouble with "Theory of Mind" tasks, indicating he had difficulty understanding what another person's beliefs or thoughts might be. Theory of mind deficits would be best categorized in this  adult diagnostic group.

What is right-hemisphere stroke?


Zach, a 25 y/o man who stutters, has been in therapy off and on over the years. His SLP has consistently used a fluency shaping approach. In these sessions, Zach is able to make improvement in therapy but has trouble generalizing his fluent speech to his work and social setting. Together they decide to try techniques such as relationship focused therapy that addresses feelings and attitudes about communication and speaking, cancellation, and avoidance reduction. These techniques are classified as this.

What is stuttering modification?


An SLP has begun a research study utilizing a within-subject experimental design. However, the research participant has demonstrated significant fatigue from beginning to end of the study. Any potential change in data due to this fatigue is known as this (treatment effect, carryover effect, hawthorn effect, order effect).

What is order effect?


An SLP in an acute care hospital has been preparing a patient to undergo a total laryngectomy following diagnosis of malignant laryngeal cancer. After being educated regarding the various forms of laryngeal communication, the patient decides that they would like to utilize a form of communication that allows the most natural vocal quality that also restores spoken communication as quickly as possible. After considering the following treatment options (electrolarynx with neck placement, tracheoesophageal speech, esophageal speech, intraoral electrolarynx), this one was determined to be the best.

What is tracheoesophageal speech?


Shannon and Stephanie are two SLPs who work in an outpatient speech and language clinic and are very close friends. Recently, Stephanie overheard Shannon discussing a client with another client's wife and is very distressed by what has happened. However, she is unsure how to handle the situation with her friend. She considered giving Shannon one more chance, reporting Shannon to the board of ethics, report Shannon to the client being discussed, and discuss the incident directly with Shannon. Stephanie should choose to do this.

What is report Shannon to the Board of Ethics?


When treating persons with aphasia (PWA), this treatment method, in theory, leads to improvements in the PWA's language skills by eliminating the use of nonverbal means of communication such as gestures, drawing, or AAC devices and forcing spoken language output.

What is constraint-induced language therapy (CILT)?


An SLP at an acute rehabilitation hospital is scheduled to evaluate a newly admitted patient with a diagnosis of flaccid dysarthria. Following a comprehensive speech evaluation, the SLP notes that the patient demonstrates significant hypernasality secondary to poor velum mobility and makes recommendations for a prosthodontist consult. The speech bulb, palatal lift, palatal obturator, and palatal expander were all consider but this device was deemed the most appropriate. 

What is a palatal lift?


An SLP has finished analyzing the data collected during their research study and has found that the p value is 0.04. Due to this level of statistical significance, the SLP may decide to reject this.

What is the null hypothesis?


A patient is in the later stages of ALS. After considering the following treatment approaches (enhancing the sensory capacities of the bolus, using postural adjustments, introduction of a PEG tube, oral range of motion exercises), this one was deemed the most appropriate for an individual at this stage of the disease.

What is introduction of a PEG tube?


An SLP in private practice was recently reported for violating the ASHA Code of Ethics. ASHA has provided a sanction in which the SLP was officially rebuked and was published to the membership of ASHA and is referred to as this (reprimand, revocation, censure, or withholding).

What is censure?
