Character Analysis
Political Speeches
Figurative Language

In Animal Farm this character represents the working class and embodies qualities of loyalty and dedication.

Who is Boxer?


In this historic speech, Barack Obama became the first African American to assume the presidency of the United States.

What is Obama's inauguration speech?


In Animal Farm, the windmill symbolizes this concept, representing technological progress and the promise of a better future.

What is progress or hope?


This overarching theme in Obama's inaugural speech emphasizes unity and cooperation, famously stating, "We must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America."

What is Hope or Change?


President Obama delivered his inaugural speech in this location, which has been the site of many historical speeches and events

What is the United States Capitol or Capitol Hill?


This character in Animal Farm symbolizes the brutality and oppression of dictatorship, often using fear and violence to maintain control.

Who is Napoleon?


The overarching theme of Obama's inauguration speech focused on this concept, emphasizing unity and cooperation in the face of adversity.

What is unity?


Obama's inauguration speech is rich in this type of figurative language, using metaphors and similes to convey complex ideas.

What are metaphors and similes?


 In "Animal Farm," this theme is depicted through the symbolic representation of the Russian Revolution and subsequent totalitarian regime.

What is Corruption of Power or Totalitarianism?


"Animal Farm" is primarily set on this type of location, representing the broader society.

What is a "Farm" or "Manor Farm"?


Boxer in Animal Farm exemplifies this character trait, often repeating the phrase "I will work harder" and demonstrating dedication and loyalty.

What is diligence or hard work?


Obama's speech referenced this historical figure's famous phrase "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal" as a cornerstone of American ideals

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


In Animal Farm, the character of Napoleon can be seen as a symbol for this type of leader, who manipulates language and propaganda to maintain power.

What is a dictator/totalitarian leader?


President Obama's speech reflects this theme by addressing the need for collective action to address challenges such as economic recession and global warming.

What is Community and Responsibility?


This specific location in "Animal Farm" serves as the central meeting place where the animals gather to discuss their rebellion against the humans.

What is the barn?


In Obama's inauguration speech, he describes Americans as possessing this character trait, capable of enduring hardships and striving for a better future.

What is resilience?


This aspect of American society, characterized by Obama as "a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus," was highlighted as a source of strength and diversity in his inauguration speech.

What is diversity?


Obama's speech employs this figurative device when he describes America as "a patchwork heritage" to emphasize its diversity.

What is a metaphor?


 In "Animal Farm," this theme is evident as the pigs gradually become indistinguishable from the humans they once rebelled against. 

What is Betrayal of Ideals?


Obama's inaugural speech occurred during this time of year, signifying the beginning of his presidency.

What is Winter or January?


This character in "Animal Farm" represents the intellectual elite but is eventually removed from power through propaganda and manipulation (and was chased out).

Who is Snowball?


In his inauguration speech, Obama emphasized the need for this quality in American society, stating, "What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility."

What is responsibility?


This figurative language technique is used in "Animal Farm" to portray the pigs as corrupt and power-hungry rulers, despite their initial promises of equality and fairness.

What is allegory?


Obama's speech conveys this theme by highlighting the importance of inclusivity and diversity in American society.

What is Equality and Diversity?


In "Animal Farm," this location symbolizes the opulence and corruption of the ruling class.

What is the "Farmhouse"?
