Vocabulary in Context
Main Ideas and Major Details

This type of word is a person, place, or thing.


How many syllables does the word rattlesnake have?




If a character is described as having an empty fridge and wearing worn-out clothes, you can infer their financial situation is ____.

poor/ they are struggling


What is the difference between skimming and scanning?

Skimming looks at main ideas--it takes longer to read. You usually look at the title, topic sentences, repeated key words, introduction/conclusion. 

Scanning looks at specific details--we can find the answer quickly in one place. 


Where is the main idea usually found in a paragraph?

(there are three possible answers)

The first, second, or last sentence. 


The prefix 'un-' in the word 'unrelated' gives you a clue that this word means....

Not related/connected


The word why has a short i, long i, or long e sound?

long i


What can we infer from this sentence:

"If you get a lemon, make lemonade."

1) Everyone gets more lemons in life than lemonade.

2) Attitude and effort can turn around a bad situation.

3) Sugar can make everything taste better. 

4) Even bitter things can be made into something sweet.

4) Even bitter things can be made into something sweet.


Does the 'g' in this word have a soft or hard g sound?


Soft sound

(examples of hard sounds: guest, green, legal)


Choose the general idea from the list of words. The remaining words will be specific ideas. 

vanilla   flavor   chocolate    strawberry   cinnamon



In the sentence, "The cat was very aloof, avoiding everyone in the house," 

he word 'aloof' most likely means ____.

not friendly or distant


Give one example of a word that has a long double oo sound and one example of word that has a short double oo sound. 

Long examples: spoon, room, food, choose, proof, zoo

Short examples: crook, soot, good, stood, cook, shook


From the sentence, "She glanced at the clock and quickened her pace, realizing she might miss the train," you can infer that she is feeling ____.

anxious, rushed


Which sentence contains the main idea?

Have you every wondered why we are attracted to certain people as friends and lovers? Several factors help explain our attraction to other people. One key is physical closeness. We are more likely to be interested in people we see often. What we think of as good looks is also important. We tend to like people we find physically attractive. In addition, we are drawn to people with whom we share similar backgrounds, interests, and values. 

Sentence 2: Several factors help explain our attraction to other people. 


These words, such as 'first,' 'next,' and 'finally,' help us know the sequence of events and when a new major detail is coming in the text. What are these words called?

Signal words


Name one prefix, one root word, and one suffix and their meanings.

Possible answers:

prefix-- mis, dis, im, un, over, pre, ex

root--act, form, meter, terra, stellar

suffix--ism, ism, ence, ion, ly


What are the three rules for making a long vowel sound?

1) silent -e

2) double vowels

3) open vowel syllable


What can be inferred as the implied main idea of this paragraph?

Despite the economic downturn, the small bakery in town managed to stay open. The owner, Sarah, worked long hours and often experimented with new recipes to attract customers. Her efforts paid off as the bakery became a community favorite.

A) Sarah's bakery struggled to stay open due to the economic downturn.
B) The bakery became popular because of Sarah's hard work and creativity.
C) The community did not support local businesses during the economic downturn.
D) Sarah had to close her bakery despite her efforts.

B) The bakery became popular because of Sarah's hard work and creativity. 


What are three ways you can make a connection with a text?

Text to self, text to text, text to world


Decide which is the topic, the main idea, and the supporting details. 

A. Single children have their problems. 

B. Single children have little privacy from their parents. 

C. Single children. 

D. Single children can be lonely without the companionship of brothers and sisters. 

Topic: C. Single children

Main Idea: A. Single children have their problems. 

Supporting Details: B. and D. 


In the sentence, "Despite his meticulous preparation, the experiment yielded inconclusive results," 

the word 'meticulous' most likely means ____.

careful and precise


Find the five words below that have a consonant diagraph (a pair of consonants with one sound that differs from the sound of either of the letters)

Phil had planned for this day for two years. He had worked evenings and summers. Saving all he could. Finally, he had enough money to buy the car he had dreamed of. He walked into a local showroom, pointed to a red Corvette, and wrote a check for a down payment. 







Based on the paragraph, select the two inferences that are true:

Carlos woke up early every morning to tend to his garden. He carefully watered each plant and removed any weeds. By the end of the summer, his garden was full of vibrant flowers and fresh vegetables. Carlos often shared his produce with his neighbors, who were always appreciative.

 A) Carlos enjoyed gardening.
B) Carlos' neighbors did not have their own gardens.
C) The garden was a source of pride for Carlos.
D) Carlos was the only person in his neighborhood who gardened.
E) Carlos' neighbors benefited from his gardening efforts. 

A) Carlos enjoyed gardening.
E) Carlos' neighbors benefited from his gardening efforts.


Name three silent consonants combinations in English. 

-mb, -gn, kn-, -ck, wh-, wr-


What are the three major details of this paragraph? What are the three signal words used for these major details?

Parts of our environment affect the way we behave and feel. For one thing, there is temperature. Most of us prefer temperatures in the 70s. When it is hotter than the 70s, we become less active and less alert. Lighting also affects us. In the classroom or on the job, bright light encourages work. Last is color. For example, red is felt as exciting, blue as calming, and yellow as cheerful. 

temperature, lighting, and color

for one thing, also, last
