Collecting Data
Normal Distribution

What type of study has a control group and treatment group?

Experimental Study


What type of survey would get answers from the entire population?



SAT scores are normally distributed, with a mean of 1000 and a standard deviation of 200. Approximately 68% of the scores lie between

800 and 1200


Based on the graph, approximately what percentage of students voted for Dr. Brain?



A market researcher selected 200 people at random from a group of people who indicated that they liked a certain book. The 200 people were shown a movie based on the book and then asked whether they liked or disliked the movie. Of those surveyed, 95% said they disliked the movie. Which inferences can appropriately be drawn from this survey result?

Most people who like the book will dislike this movie.


A researcher studies the possible relation between the quality of cigarettes smoked by a person and the risk of getting lung cancer. What kind of study does this best describe?

Observational Study


A mayor wants to determine if the people in his city think that he is doing a good job. If he were to conduct a study for this what would his target population be?

All the residents of the city.


SAT scores are normally distributed, with a mean of 1000 and a standard deviation of 200. Approximately 95% of the scores lie between

600 and 1400


Based on the graph, what teacher has less than 20% of the votes?

Mr. Monocle


Rhonda saw this graph in her town's newspaper, but it could be misleading. Which is the MOST ACCURATE conclusion she can draw from it?

House prices grew a small percentage from 1998 to 1999.


Travor is conducting a study to investigate whether health history has an impact on political party preference. Identify the best step that Travor should take to ensure ethical data handling.

Travor should anonymize the data to protect the privacy of the participants in the study.


George does not like the fact that his neighborhood makes it mandatory to pay a yearly fee to use the pool for every family in the neighborhood. He designs a survey to help support his case that the yearly fee should be voluntary. The survey asks questions about pool usage and financial statistics of the families. What is the population of his survey?

All of the families in his neighborhood.


Each person in a group of friends counted the number of books they read in one year. The mean number of books read was 34, with a standard deviation of 3.5. The number of books read by Annabelle is 21 books.What is the z-score for Annabelle, rounded to the nearest hundredth.



Out of the 2000 students at Smith Middle School, 250 have green eyes, which is 12.5%. Mrs. Craig surveys her math class and 8 out of 24 of them, or 33%, have green eyes. What is a good explanation for this?

The sample that Mrs. Craig took was too small.


Lisa rolls a pair of dice 100 times. She rolls a pair of sixes 10 times. Based on this she concludes that the probability of rolling a pair of sixes is 1/10.

Her conclusion is based on what kind of study? 



In an attempt to determine if there is a correlation between taking an ACT Prep class and scores on the test, a group who took the exam are surveyed. Scores from students who took the ACT Prep class and students who did not are compared.Why is this not an experimental study?

No treatment is assigned.


How can the effect of an outlier be overcome in an experiment that examines a random sample of a population?

Examine a larger random sample of the population.


From left to right, using the Empirical Rule what percentage should be filled in for each arrow. There are 8 arrows.



A company that sells dairy products develops a study to show that dairy milk is more beneficial for bone health than dairy alternatives, such as oat milk or almond milk. They randomly select participants for the study and use random assignment to split them into different treatment and control groups. They collect data on participant bone health throughout the duration of the study.Identify a potential source of bias in this study.

The dairy company has a financial interest in showing that dairy products have more health benefits than dairy alternatives.


Rashi's school is deciding whether they should implement a new policy where students who arrive at school after 2nd period has started must complete one hour of community service. The school board claims that since 53% ±6 people are in favor of the policy, they have majority approval and will implement the policy. Is their claim correct? Explain your answer.

No, the confidence interval contains values less than 50%.


A local politician sends a survey to her 1,538 constituents. A week later, she begins analyzing the data based on the 432 surveys that were returned. Why could the results of the 432 surveys not be applied to the general population?

The sample was not random.


Identify the level of measurement for this type of data.
"The height of trees in a park."



10 Bullfrogs from a pond are randomly selected. A mean jump length of 7.58 feet is calculated with a standard deviation of 0.52 and a 90% confidence level. What is the interval estimate of the population mean?



A study has found that if a person has participated in a smoking cessation program in his or her lifetime, the person will have a lower life expectancy than a member of the general population. The study concludes that smoking cessation programs lower life expectancy and recommends that no one attend them. Why is the conclusion flawed?

The conclusion assumes causation, when only correlation has been shown.


Jairoh and Ken are running for senior class president. They have one of their mutual friends survey students to get a sense of who will win the election. The friend reports that 51%±4 support Jairoh and 49%±4 support Ken. Can Jairoh conclude that he will likely win the election? Explain your answer.

No, the confidence intervals for Jairoh and Ken overlap. The true proportion of those who support Ken could be higher than the proportion who support Jairoh.
