Good vs. Bad Friends
Listening Skills
Problem Solving

Good or Bad: My friend tells everybody all of my secrets and makes fun of me behind my back. Is this a good or bad friend?

Bad friend


True or False: Interrupting someone while they are talking is a good listening skill.



What does the S stand for in the STEP's problem solving process?

Say the problem


Good or Bad: My friend doesn't act like my friend when others are around, only when we're hanging out one on one. Is this a good or bad friend?

Bad friend


How do you know someone is interested in what you are talking about?

Body language, if they ask questions, or are actively engaged (show interest) in the conversation.

What does the T stand for in the STEP's problem solving process?

Think of possible solutions


Good or Bad: My friend spends time with me, enjoys the same things I do, and care's about my feelings. Is this a good or bad friend?

Good friend


True or False: Making a comment that has nothing to do with the conversation, smiling and nodding along, and slouching in your chair, are all examples of poor listening skills.



What does the E stand for in the STEP's problem solving process?

Explore the solutions


Good or Bad: My friend told me they were thinking about hurting themselves, I told a trusted adult, and they were able to help my friend get the support they needed. Am I a good or bad friend?

Good friend. If a friend expresses, that they're in danger or wanting to hurt themselves it should be shared with a trusted adult. It is okay to share secrets like this if someone could get hurt.


Why is listening important?

So you don't miss any instructions, you don't get in trouble, and it's the respectful thing to do when others are talking. 


What does the P stand for in the STEP's problem solving process?

Pick a solution


Good or Bad: Two of my friends and I haven't been getting along very well and one of them wants me to choose to be their friend or go with the other friend. Is this a good or bad friend?

Bad friend. You shouldn't have to choose when you are friends with both. 

What are 3 ways you can show you are actively listening?

Eye looking, ears listening, mouth quiet, and body is still. Restate what was said. Ask questions about what was said.


Why is using the STEP process and problem solving an important part of socialization?

It can help you learn how to better resolve conflict, get along with others, and be a good friend.
