when a strong country takes control of weaker countries
This group won
Why the Europeans were unable to breach the interior of Africa
powerful African armies were able to keep the Europeans out
Survival of the Fittest
What is Social Darwinism?
What is Britian's control of the Niger River?
Boer War
Conflict between the British and Dutch or the Boers
British tactic
burning farms and imprisoning women and children in disease ridden concentration camps
Stanley and Livingston
Europeans who made it to the interior
Meeting of nations to divide Africa
Berlin Conference
Dole Fruit Company
What is economic imperalism?
Important Zulu leader
Boer tactic
commando raids and guerrilla tactics
The Maxim Gun
first automatic machine gun. Africans had outdated weapons
Africans who had to give up their way of life to become like the French or British
What is assimilation?
Menelik II
Who helped to save Ethiopia?
Adopting a country's customs, language, and way of life
Black South Africans
The Great Trek
Boers escaped the British and moved north in 1830
What is a country that is governed by another nation?
What is the drug to treat malaria?
when a powerful country treats people in a weaker country like children
Reason for the Boer War
land and gold
A protectorate
What has more relative freedom?
Sphere of Influence
What is when an outside power claims trading privileges
The 3 G's
Gold, Glory and God