2. Riddle: When is music like vegetables?
When there are two beats (beets) to the measure.
What note goes ta?
Quater note
whats the most popular genre of music
What type of music is a mummy's favorite?
What note goes ti ka ti ka?
Sixteenth note
what is the least favorite genre of music
What kind of music can you hear in space?
A nept-tune.
what note goes like too oom
dotted half note
what genre has the most artist
: I am a fruit. If you take away the first letter of my name I become a crime. Take away the first two letters of my name I become an animal. Take away the first and last letter of my name and I become a form of music. What am I?
what note goes like ___ for 1 and a half beats
eighth rest
I can bring you joy or sorrow, or everything in between. None have seen, smelt or felt me, yet many still know what I am. I have many types, but I am really just one thing. What am I?
what is this note used for to signify higher-pitched notes in contemporary musical notation
treble clef