This fluffy orange cat, named after the popular cheesy snack, often hangs outside of the Physics Building on campus.
Who is Cheeto?
This is the government name of AAA's oldest board member.
Who is Rijul Saxena? (he's my big! -maggie)
This Academy Award-nominated film centers a Chinese-Canadian girl who can turn into a red panda.
What is Turning Red?
A common way to refer to one’s metaphorical or physical (blank). Examples include: almond, cashew, macadamia
What are DEEZ NUTS?
This white-haired man is the mascot for a popular fast-food chain, and can often be spotted licking his fingers.
Who is Colonel Sanders? *salute*
With over 125,000 attendees, this event is the largest student-run event in the country.
What is Picnic Day?
This is the number of board members AAA has (not including interns).
What is 11?
This Asian American film about the multiverse swept the Oscars, winning 7 Academy Awards earlier this year.
What is Everything, Everywhere, All at Once?
A popular meme from 2016 shows this yellow aardvark clenching his fist.
Who is Arthur?
This type of rock is formed in layers, almost the same way that crepe cakes and onions are.
What is sedimentary rock?
This is the number of Egg Heads there are on campus, not to be confused with the number of Egg Head installations.
What is 7?
These three officers will be graduating this Spring :((
Who are Proudy, Carmen, and RJ?
This island nation is notable for its ube flavoring of many desserts.
What is the Philippines?
This once-popular YouTuber often opens their videos with the catchphrase "Hey Sisters!"
Who is James Charles?
This is Shaquille O'Neal's height, and the unit is often referred to as "1 Shaq long"
What is 7'1?
This was the year that UC Davis was founded.
When is 1868?
Not Board Member-themed, but this popular high school event is the theme of this year's AAA banquet, along with a very relaxing destination theme.
What is Prom: Island Getaway?
This ethnic group is spread across most of Southeast Asia but does not have its own land territory.
Who are the Hmong people?
This famous amphibian, whose likeness is used in a wide variety of memes and made a first appearance in the 2005 comic, ‘Boy's Club’ and was popularized as a meme on MySpace the same year.
Who is Pepe the frog?
To college students it's what you call the pamphlet you write test answers in; to car shoppers it follows Kelley.
What is a Blue Book?
The Memorial Union, located on campus next to the Quad, has this many floors.
What is 5?
These two board members are siblings, aka they share the same big.
Who are Anh and Chantal?
In this 2020 film, the titular plant is brought by a grandmother from Korea to her family in the United states to be grown by a river.
What is Minari?
Finish the phrase: "I'm the ____"
What is "biggest bird yeah you are"
The mascot for this cereal lives on the S.S. Guppy.
What is Cap'n Crunch?