Wash your hands for this time period
What is 20 seconds?
Emergency meds are kept here
Emergency Response Kit
PCMH acronym
What is patient-centered medical home?
Any solid or liquid waste which presents a threat of infection to humans.
What is biomedical waste?
Hand hygiene
What is the first line in infection control?
Standard precautions
What are gloves and handwashing?
Drill performed annually
How often are fire drills executed with staff?
Comprehensive care, continuity of care, quality of care
What is the focus of PCMH?
A facility or person that generates biomedical waste
What is a generator or biomedical waste generator?
Policies are located here
What is Policy tech? Located on SharePoint-link on HomeBase and Clinical Hub
Visibly dirty or soiled
When do you wash your hands with soap and water?
Ambu bags and oxygen tank
Where are oxygen tank bags and masks located?
Patient and caregiver
Who is at the center of PCMH?
Red biohazard bags
What is used for containment of biohazard waste?
QI study your office is participating curently
What is hand hygiene? Based on the hand hygiene policy ICP 103
Exam room cleaned after every patient
How often are exam rooms cleaned?
Evacuation route
Where are evacuation routes/maps posted?
Who accredits us for PCMH?
Used sharps, items used for blood draws, lancets
What are placed in Sharps containers?
Hum the Happy Birthday song twice
How long is 20 seconds? How long to wash your hands?
Placed when patient enters the room
When do you place fresh exam table paper?
PASS acronym
What are Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep? (fire extinguisher)
Best practices, high-quality care, Continuous improvement
What is our role in PCMH to the patients?
Kit used when a biomedical waste spill occurs
What is a spill kit?
Sharps container at the fill line
When do you replace the sharps container?