What is the amount of time you wash your hands?
20 seconds
Where are emergency meds kept?
Emergency Response Kit
What is patient - centered medical home?
The care we provide each day focuses on placing the patient first and delivering comprehensive support.
What is considered bio-medical waste?
Any solid or liquid waste that presents a threat of infection to humans.
What is a simple thing action but considered first -line in infection control?
Good hand-washing
What is Standard precautions?
Wearing gloves and good handwashing
How often are fire drills executed with staff?
Drill are performed annually
Who is at the center of a patient-centered medical home?
The patient and caregiver/parent
Where is the bio-medical waste disposed of?
Red bags or large bio-hazard containers with lids
Where are poilicies kept?
Located on HomeBase/Policy Tech
How often BP cuffs and stethoscopes are cleaned?
After every patient
Where do you look for the disaster plan?
Emergency Preparedness site on HomeBase
What is the focus of patient-centered medical home
Providing comprehensive and coordinated care. Well and sick care.
When do you change the sharps containers?
When they are at the fill line
How do you help a patient and parent who doesn't speak your language?
Provide language line service through Propio
How often are exam rooms cleaned?
Exam rooms are cleaned after every patient
How do you know where to go in case of emergency?
Evacuation Maps posted in the clinics
Who is considered part of the 'care team'?
Everyone who interacts with the patient and caregiver
What are placed in Sharps containers?
Used sharps, items used for blood draws, lancets
When washing your hands, -20 seconds is the rule. Is this the equivalent of?
Hum the Happy Birthday song twice
When do you place fresh exam table paper?
When the patient enters the room
How often are the fire extinguishers checked?
Monthly and documented on the tags
Why do we focus on patient-centered medical home?
Best practices, high-quality care, Continuous improvement
What is a spill kit and why is it used?
Kit used when a biomedical waste spill occurs
Sharps container at the fill line-what do you do?
Replace the sharps container