Where our SOP (aka Job Aids), Moose Notes Excel Sheet, and Product Guides will be housed in Service Cloud
Number of tiles used to access the 6 CX Orders
Manage Sales Orders without Charge (ZREP/ZPRT)
Manage Customer Returns (ZRET/ZURT)
Manage Credit Memo Requests (ZCM)
Manage Debit Memo Requests (ZDM)
3 different ways to retrieve tickets
1. Global search
2. Dashboard
3. Sidebar menu
The Pricing Element used to override pricing of Materials
New term for "Freight Terms"
Objects to create a ticket against if you do not have an S4 Order to reference
What you need to copy/select to create any CX Order with reference
At least one parent material from the original Sales Order
The Historical Order # should include
The entire Legacy Order # (Full Invoice # on Intranet)
The screen and tab you must be in to override the price of any material
Item Header screen and Conditions tab
Default incoterm for any ZREP Order
YPD (Prepaid)
Applicable to TR Collect and FedEx packages
4 different activity types
Phone Calls, Appointments, Tasks, and Emails
2 alternative tiles used to track an order
Shipment Tracker and Order Status Report
For very particular customers, you must always acknowledge these fields before saving a ticket
Service Sensitive and Special Service Requirements
Assigned to a ZCM that is not ready to be released, issued on a gift card, or over the threshold
Billing Block
Tab that will be used to add "comments"
Texts tab
You cannot search an order by this in Service Cloud
Ship-To Address
One of the many tiles used to check stock availability
Stock - Multiple Materials
Mashup link used to create a CX Order from the ticket header
Create Sales Order
Refund types issued by assigning a Billing Control under the Additional Data A tab
Check and CyberSource credit card refund (Legacy Orders)
3 entries that must be deleted when updating the Sold-To/Ship-to address on a ZREP
District, Tax Jurisdiction, and Time Zone
The Account ID assigned by Service Cloud to One-Time Account customers
Tab used to check for backordered items within an order
Scheduled Lines
This will occur if you do not complete your ticket within the due date
Ticket will escalate
How a PayPal refund is issued for a ZCM created without reference
Match the Sold-To/Ship-To Party info on the ZCM to the Bill-To/Ship-To info on the BART Order (Intranet)
Must always be confirmed when creating a ZREP with Reference
Forwarding Agent