Basic AAC Info
Praxis Questions #1
Praxis Questions #2

What are the 5 major purposes of AAC? (You get 100 points for each correct purpose you can name)

1. Express wants and needs
2. Transfer info
3. Promote social closeness
4. Participate in social etiquette routines
5. Communicate with oneself


These are used in AAC to represent objects, actions, concepts, and emotions. They can include the following:facial expressions, gestures, objects, photographs, drawings, auditory symbols (e.g., spoken words), orthography (i.e., alphabet-based symbols), 3-D symbols or tactile symbols

What are symbols?


What does AAC stand for?

Augmentative and alternative communication


Sam, a 4-year-old boy, recently started to use an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device to aid in his communication with others. Although he uses an AAC device, his cognition is within normal limits. Which of the following is true about Sam's language ability?
A.) He may be delayed in expressive language because of the AAC supports he has been given.
B.) He should not have the same receptive language as a typically developing child.
C.) He should not be following the same communication milestones as a typically developing child.
D.) He will likely have difficulties with phonology and syntax.

A.) He may be delayed in expressive language because of the AAC supports he has been given.


A 62-year-old male presents to an outpatient SLP following an extended stay at a rehabilitation facility. He had a left-hemisphere stroke three months ago and currently has moderate Broca's aphasia and severe apraxia of speech. It is difficult for him to participate in conversation because of the combination of his word-finding deficits and apraxia of speech. The patient's normal speech pattern consists of one- to two-word phrases, at times including paraphasias. He is able to write but often misspells words. During evaluation, the SLP finds the patient is able to initiate communication, recognize and categorize picture symbols, and comprehend familiar words and phrases. In general, his communication is fragmented and inefficient, but he will try anything to get his message across. Which of the following AAC treatment strategies would be most appropriate for the patient to start with?

A.) Accessing stored messages in a speech-generating device
B.) Learning sign language
C.) Answering multiple-choice questions and writing answers
D.) Using a 20-item picture board to convey essential wants and needs

What is option (A). Accessing stored messages with a device can ease the burden of communication and assist the patient in answering simple questions.


What is an example of a low tech device? What is an example of a high tech device?

Low tech: communication boards,  alphabet board, anything to help communicate using paper and pencil. 

High tech: AAC Device, or other technology related communication options


This is the association made between a symbol and the item for which it stands. 

Hint: Explained by transparent, opaque, and translucent

What is iconicity?


What does PECS stand for?

Picture Exchange Communication System


All of the following professionals provide augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services except:

A.) Speech-language pathologist
B.) Occupational therapist
C.) Special educator
D.) Licensed practical nurse

D.) Licensed practical nurse


After an evaluation of a patient's communication needs, an SLP pursues acquisition of a high-tech AAC device. The patient's private health insurance rejects the request, stating that the device is "not medically necessary." The SLP can best advocate for the patient by immediately appealing the insurance company to determine a lower-technology device that is covered by the payer
B.the denial and providing a review of how the patient's quality of life is impacted by the device
C.the denial and providing data regarding the medical necessity for the device a member of the state government for coverage of high-tech AAC devices

What is option (C). Appealing the denial and providing the insurance company with data indicating the device is medically necessary in advocacy for the patient is the most direct response to the denial of the claim.


Which of the following serves as an outline for consideration of applications to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) practice?

A.) United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ASSAAC)
B.) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's (ASHA) Code of Ethics
C.) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
D.) Local Education Agency (LEA)

What is (B) ASHA Code of Ethics.


The knowledge and use of language (symbols, syntax, and grammar.

What is linguistic competence?


What is SGD stand for?

Speech Generating Device


The speech-language pathologist in a school is trying out a new AAC device for a child and believes that facilitator training is important for the caregiver to do (Pick three options):

A. Accurately use the device
B. Encourage verbal speech with device

C. Troubleshoot the device
D. Add/take away symbols, buttons, or folders
E. Reduce the independence required by the child

What is (A), (C), and (D).


Ms.Malone, a 65-year-old retired attorney, presents with severe nonfluent aphasia secondary to a stroke that occurred more than a year ago. Speech-language intervention helped her regain the ability to answer simple questions but not initiate speech. Citing Ms. Malone's frustration at her limitations, her family requests that she be evaluated for an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device.

During Ms. Malone's assessment, the SLP determines that she could potentially benefit from AAC services and initiates discussion of intervention goals. Once goals are established and Ms. Malone has her device, she begins to learn how to operate her device to produce common spoken messages. Over the course of intervention, Ms. Malone is ultimately able to produce novel sentences.

Regarding Ms. Malone's proposed AAC assessment, which of the following statements is true?

A) The success of AAC intervention is mainly dependent on the AAC users independent use of the device at home.

B) The success of AAC intervention is largely dependent upon the support of people close to the patient. 

C) The success of AAC intervention is mostly dependent on the ability to use the device with familiar communication partners.

D)The success of AAC intervention is mostly dependent on which communication method or device is chosen for the participant.

What is the success of AAC intervention is largely dependent upon the support of people close to the patient?


What 2 terms are most often used to describe symbols in terms of AAC?

Opaqueness and Iconicity 


These require some form of external tool, either electronic or nonelectronic. Nonelectronic forms are often referred to as “light-tech” or “low-tech.” Electronic forms may be referred to as “high-tech.”

What is Aided Communication?


What is PAS stand for ?

Partner Assisted Scanning


Individuals with Parkinson's disease may be candidates for high-technology augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention when which of the following is true?
A.)When the individual has severe cognitive deficits
B.) When the individual lacks severe cognitive deficits
C.) When the individual has moderate cognitive deficits
D.) They would never be candidates for AAC intervention

What is (B) has severe cognitive deficits.


Ms.Malone, a 65-year-old retired attorney, presents with severe nonfluent aphasia secondary to a stroke that occurred more than a year ago. Speech-language intervention helped her regain the ability to answer simple questions but not initiate speech. Citing Ms. Malone's frustration at her limitations, her family requests that she be evaluated for an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device.

During Ms. Malone's assessment, the SLP determines that she could potentially benefit from AAC services and initiates discussion of intervention goals. Once goals are established and Ms. Malone has her device, she begins to learn how to operate her device to produce common spoken messages. Over the course of intervention, Ms. Malone is ultimately able to produce novel sentences.

Which of the following statements reflects the best strategy for the development of Ms. Malone's intervention goals?

A.) The SLP must decide which goals are appropriate, because the SLP is the communication expert.
B.) As the patient determines what she needs and wants to say, she must determine the goals.
C.) Goal setting should be a collaborative process involving the patient and the SLP.
D.) A number of individuals including, the patient, SLP, and close family members, should collaborate to set goals.

What is Option (D). AAC intervention works best when regular communication partners are involved along with the patient and SLP.


Choose 4 that are applicable to the participation model.

A.) Assessment is ongoing

B.) Assessment is not ongoing

C.) Intervention facilitates meaningful communication and participation

D.) Identifies actual and potential opportunity barriers

E.) If an individual does not succeed with AAC, it's due to their limitations rather than the AAC system or support

F.) Technology alone does not make a competent communicator

What is (A), (C), (D), (F). 


These do not require an external tool. These require some degree of motor control. They include the following:body language, facial expressions, finger spelling, gestures, manual signs, vocalizations, verbalizations

What is Unaided Communication?


What does LAMP stand for?

Language Acquisition through Motor Planning


Direct vs indirect

Eye gaze?

Partner Assisted Scanning?

Physical Touch?


Switch Scanning?

Brain Interfacing?

Eye gaze? DIRECT

Partner Assisted Scanning? INDIRECT

Physical Touch? DIRECT

Joystick? DIRECT

Switch Scanning? INDIRECT

Brain Interfacing? DIRECT


Ms.Malone, a 65-year-old retired attorney, presents with severe nonfluent aphasia secondary to a stroke that occurred more than a year ago. Speech-language intervention helped her regain the ability to answer simple questions but not initiate speech. Citing Ms. Malone's frustration at her limitations, her family requests that she be evaluated for an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device.

During Ms. Malone's assessment, the SLP determines that she could potentially benefit from AAC services and initiates discussion of intervention goals. Once goals are established and Ms. Malone has her device, she begins to learn how to operate her device to produce common spoken messages. Over the course of intervention, Ms. Malone is ultimately able to produce novel sentences.

Which THREE of the following are additional communication strategies that are valid for Ms. Malone?

A.) Incorporating multimodal communication strategies, such as gestures and writing
B.) Teaching regular communication partners how to listen and best respond to her
C.) Limiting social engagements, since language demands are beyond the severely impaired AAC user
D.) Encouraging her to take an active role in initiating communication
E.) Phasing out device use to increase the rate of spoken-language recovery

What are options (A), (B), and (D) are correct. Option (A) is correct because multimodal strategies augment the entirety of communication. Option (B) is correct because AAC intervention works best when regular communication partners are involved. Option (D) is correct because taking an active role in initiating communication will help Ms. Malone incorporate the AAC intervention into her daily life and result in improved confidence and less frustration.
