What does AAC stand for?
Augmentative and alternative communication
T/F: communicators be limited to one mode of communication.
False - we are all multimodal communicators
Provide an example of gaining attention
Excuse me!
What is aided language stimulation?
Teaching AAC by guiding and describing with simultaneous use of preferred method of AAC
Name 2 types of AAC
speech device (SGD), gesture, sign language
T/F: AAC promotes participation
True - participation is enhanced by providing greater access to communication
Provide an example of protesting / rejecting
No way!
That’s disgusting!
I don’t want to.
A typical AAC user, exposed to modeling, two times a week for 30 minutes, would take ?? years to have the same level of exposure.
84 years
Why should the user always have access to their AAC?
T/F: AAC delays or negatively impacts language development
False - researched and proven effective in developing speech and language
Provide an example of requesting
Give me…
Can I have…?
What is the most intrusive level of prompting with AAC?
Physical prompt - Hand under hand
What is 1 way you ensure the users high tech device is protected and accessible?
Protective case, stored on tables/counters, worn by staff when user isn’t accessing it
T/F: AAC is only for nonverbal people
False - AAC can be used to supplement memory deficits, motor speech differences, impaired processing, and more
Provide an example of sustaining interaction
What’s your name?
How are you?
Where are you going?
What is the least intrusive prompt?
Expectant pause / tempt and wait