Sam Bae says Christians should be this towards one another
What is kind and tenderhearted?
Names of Nick's chickens (at least 4)
Who are Yolkie, Solkie, Lolkie, Zolkie, Drolkie, Strolkie, Banolkie, Crolkie, Shrolkie?
This person loves to type on Nick's discord
Who is Zachary Chiu?
Town that Jesus was born in
Where is Bethlehem?
Luke Zhu played this instrument in High School
What is the clarinet?
Thomas Choy's Act IV in the Christian Story was this
What is Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit and a promise to return?
Jianwen Wu's home church
What is Eastbay Alliance Church?
First large group speaker to be recorded (bonus points for naming the topic)
Who is Pastor Brandon? Diversity in denominations
Fruits of the Spirit (bonus for naming the verse)
What is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control? Galatians 5:22
Jonathan at his peak has gotten this many hot dogs.
What is 9 hot dogs?
Andrew Kalthoff broke up this Psalm into what three parts
What is Psalm 55? Despair, Conflict, Provision
Trinity Wu is part of this dance group on campus
What is Starchrome?
Role emojis for the Men and Women of AACF
What is :muscle: and :frog:?
The name of Naomi's husband in the book of Ruth
Who is Elimelech?
Matthew Kimotsuki's GPA is this.
What is 4.0?
Andrew Park says our identity in Christ can be separated into these three things
What is a new creation, through reconciliation, and ambassadors for Christ?
Current season of Brandon's vlogs
What is season 5?
In January this person has been spotted in the wild the 3rd most times
Who is Connor?
Names of the 12 disciples (at least 7)
Matthew, Thomas, James, John, Peter, Judas, Simon, James, Andrew, Thaddeus, Philip, Bartholomew?
These two people went to community college together before coming to Santa Cruz
Who is Ian and Andrew?
Who is/can be a pastor, meaning of baptism, Lord's supper
College that Nathan Wong is affiliated with
What is Rachel Carson College?
Number of people in the discord (within 10)
How many is 186?
24th book of the bible
What is Jeremiah?
Spell Richard's last name
What is Reksoatmodjo