
What was the outcome of the election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson won the election, this marked the end of a federalist government and a start of a Republican one.


How far west did U.S. Territory extend in 1800?

U.S. territory extended all the way to the Mississippi River, but did not go west of the river.


Who sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States?



How much did the U.S. pay for the Louisiana Territory?

15 million.


How long did Lewis and Clark explore the Louisiana Territory?

spring of 1804-Fall of 1806 (approx. 2 years)


What was the name of their guide through the territory?



What caused the surge of American nationalism in the early Republic?

The purchase of the Louisiana territory, and the second great awakening.


What effects did the second great awakening have of American culture?

It stressed the equality of all believers before God.


What are the 3 principles of Judicial Review?

The three principles are: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.When a conflict arises between the Constitution and any other law, the Constitution must be followed. The judicial branch has a duty to uphold the Constitution. The courts must be able to determine when a federal law conflicts with the Constitution and to nullify, or cancel, unconstitutional laws.


Define Laissez-faire.

Laissez-faire is a policy that the government should interfere as little as possible in the nationโ€™s economy.


What was the relationship between the revolt in Santo Domingo and Franceโ€™s interests in North America? How did these events affect U.S. Territorial expansion?

The relationship between the revolt in Santo Domingo and Franceโ€™s interests in North America was that after there was a revolt in Santo Domingo, there was little use that France had France for the Louisiana Territory. When Haiti got the name back, France was able to sell the Louisiana Territory to the U.S. and allowed the U.S. to double in their size. This affected their expansion and gave them the Mississippi and even more territory for them to benefit from.


Which European countries controlled the Louisiana territory until 1800?



Why was the port of New Orleans important to the United States?

It was an important trading port that connected settlers on the Mississippi to the east coast.


How did Jefferson cut government spending?

He scaled down the military and navy.


What is the name of the court case that established Judicial review?

Marbury v. Madison


What was the campaign process like for the election of 1800?

Presidential nominees wrote open letters to newspapers and citizens.


What is an incumbent?

The current holder if an office or position.


Who was Toussaint Louverture?

The rebel leader in Santo Domingo that helped his people fight for independenc.


Who were the two people Jefferson sent to negotiate the Louisiana Terriorty?

Robert Livingston and James Madison


How much would the Louisiana Territory cost if purchased today?

2.2 trillion


Most education was given to students where?

Dame schools


โ€œ If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.โ€ -Jefferson in a latter to Charles Yancey, 1816

>What does he mean by โ€œ a state of civilizationโ€?

When he says a state of civilization, he means in a place where things are supposed to be done in an orderly manner and where things are supposed to be done Efficiently. By this, he means a place where things are supposed to be civil and things are supposed to be followed properly and be aware.


โ€œ If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.โ€ -Jefferson in a latter to Charles Yancey, 1816.

>Why does he say that people living in a civilization can not be both ignorant and free?

They can not be both ignorant and free because if people can never come to agreement/ be able to cooperate, the nation will not be able to function properly and be able to get things done in a proper way. This can not be possible either because people cant both be so curious and aware with their surroundings and to know what is happening currently while at the same time be carefree and not to focus on whatโ€™s around themselves. He wants to promote awareness
