Controlling Idea
Organization Patterns
Making Connections

Which statement best expresses the controlling idea of A Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting for Teens?

A) Setting SMART goals is a great way for teens to accomplish their goals

B) Setting goals boost your confidence and motivation  

C) Lock and Latham discovered the best way to set goal

D) There are 5 things you must consider before setting a goal

A) Setting SMART goals is a great way for teens to accomplish their goals


The ___________   ___________ in a text can relay the author’s purpose for writing the text. The author could use description, could compare and contrast, present a problem and solution or list information sequentially.

Organizational Patterns 


When making connections text to text, readers can apply knowledge from one text to another _______ and _________ literary elements

comparing and contrasting


The ___________    ________ is what the entire text is about. It is often found at the beginning of a text. Another name for this is a Thesis Statement.

Controlling Idea


The author organizes the information in the selection by mainly --

A)  Sequencing how psychologist Amanda Corwell started exercising  

B) Comparing the reasons why people do not accomplish their goals 

C) Describing three mental blocks that prevent people from achieving their goals  

D) Explaining psychologist Amanda Corwell's research

C) Describing three mental blocks that prevent people from achieving their goals  


What is one way “A Beginners Guide to Goal Setting for Teens” and “Three Mental Blocks that Keep You from Achieving your Goals” are similar? 

A) They both illustrate what happens when people do not set goals 

B) They both discuss tips for setting sustainable goals

C) They both give examples of SMART goals 

D) They both explain the theory of setting goals 

B) They both discuss tips for setting sustainable goals


“Defensive failure” occurs when -- 

A) An young person goes against their identity 

B) A person constantly thinks about a goal, but does not do anything to accomplish it.

C) An individual has a "growth mindset" 

D) A person loathes exercising but has set it as a personal goal 

B) A person constantly thinks about a goal, but does not do anything to accomplish it.


What is the main idea of the subheading The Big Leagues: SMART Goals (paragraphs  6-8)?

A) SMART goals are the best way to achieve 

B) There are 5 components to setting a SMART goal 

C) High school students found using SMART goals helpful when organizing environmental club

D) The acronym SMART can help teens set realistic goals

D) The acronym SMART can help teens set realistic goals


What is one problem presented in “A Beginners Guide to Goal Setting for Teens”. about goal setting that is not in "Three Mental Blocks that Keep You from Achieving your Goals” 

A) Goal setting is difficult when people do not know how to organize their ideas

B) Goal setting is easier to commit to when people understand achieving them is a process 

C) Goals are harder to maintain when people do not feel they are able to accomplish them

D) Goal setting is inefficient when people do not use the SMART goal theory

A) Goal setting is difficult when people do not know how to organize their ideas


Read the excerpt below in the image

The details in paragraph 10 suggest --

A) A way people can hack “defensive failure” is by surrounding themselves people who are doing the same thing and ask questions 

B) Surrounding yourself with people with similar goals can cause you to lose confidence in yourself 

C) It is awkward to talk about your business with people who are not interested. 

D) Your peers can inspire you to set and accomplish goals 

A) A way people can hack “defensive failure” is by surrounding themselves people who are doing the same thing and ask questions 


How did the author organize paragraph 4 in A  Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting for Teens.

A) The author explains goal setting theory and then list the five components of effective goal setting

B) The author sequences how Lock and Latham developed the goal setting theory. 

C) Compares the five principles of effective goal setting

D) Providing details on the people who created the goal setting theory 

A) The author explains goal setting theory and then list the five components of effective goal setting


What are making connections "signal words"?

List at least 3 

Differ, contrast, while, agree that, compare, similarity, disagree that 


An idea emphasized throughout A Beginners Guide to Goal Setting for Teens is --

A) Goals without clear direction are harder to accomplish

B) Teens who set goals for themselves will be successful in high school and college

C) It is in the best interest of teens to set goals so they are prepared to save the environment

D) Goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely are easier to achieve

D) Goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely are easier to achieve


What is "It says, I say, And So" used for?

Making inferences


Read this sentence from paragraph 7 in “Three Mental Blocks that Keep You from Achieving your Goals”  --

"They’re opportunities to learn, because you know that at the heart of success is not talent; it’s effort over time that produces accomplishments.”

Which sentence from “A Beginners Guide to Goal Setting for Teens” shows similar ideas about the positive results of goal setting? 

A)”Regardless of what your goal is or how big it is, if you’re a young person who wants to accomplish something and is looking for the most efficient way to make it happen, you’ve come to the right place.”

B) “Goal setting is more than just coming up with an idea for what you want to happen"

then trying to achieve it.”

C) “goal setting theory says that the best way to stay motivated and be successful is to set goals, but the TYPE of goals you set (and the way you set them) matters to whether you will achieve them.”

D) “Discovering your passions can be a lifelong journey for many, but an easy question you can ask yourself to start considering your passions is just this.”

D) “Discovering your passions can be a lifelong journey for many, but an easy question you can ask yourself to start considering your passions is just this.”
