What is Ossification?
It is the process of bone tissue formation.
Define compact bone:
Dense outer layer on every bone that appears smooth and solid.
What is another name for Osteogenic cells?
Osteoprogenitor cells.
What are the Mastoid and styloid processes?
Areas of attachment of several neck and tongue muscles.
The skeletal system is primarily composed of..?
(Must name all 4)
Bones, cartilage, joints, and ligaments.
What are fractures?
When the bone breaks.
What are spongy bones made up of?
What is the unmineralized matrix that osteoblasts secrete called?
What is the glabella?
It is the area of frontal bone between orbits.
What are the 3 major regions of the Axial skeleton?
Skull, vertebral column, and thoracic cage.
Resorption is a function of?
What do Periosteum and Endosteum cover?
Specify where and what type of bone.
Outside (Periosteum) and inside (Endosteum) of compact bone.
Osteoclasts are..?
Mature bone cells in lacunae that no longer divide.
What are all the bones the cranium is composed of?
Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal, Sphenoid, and Ethmoid bones.
What is another word for joints?
What is another name for cartilage bones?
Endochondral bones.
What is the structure of a long bone?
Shaft (Diaphysis), bone ends (epiphyses), and membranes.
When osteoclasts are active, they are located in depressions called..?
Resorption bays.
What is the function of the supraorbitaol foreman?
Allows supraorbital artery and nerve pass to forehead.
What do cranial bones do?
Enclose the brain and provide attachment for head and neck muscles.
What 5 zones does the Epiphyseal plate consist of?
Resting (quiescent), Proliferation (growth), Hypertonic, Calcification, Ossification.
Where is Red Marrow found?
Within the trabecular cavities of spongy bone and diploë of flat bones.
What are the five major cell types (bone tissue)?
Osteogenic cells, Osteoblasts, Osteocytes, Bone-lining cells, and Osteoclasts.
What are all the facial bones?
Mandible, Maxillary, Zygomatic, Nasal, Lacrimal, Palatine, Vomer, and Inferior nasal conchae.
The skeleton accounts for how much mass in the body?
20% of body mass.