Component in heart rhythm, muscle contraction and blood pressure. Deficiency can cause muscle cramping and and fluid imbalance
impaired ability to digest lactose due to reduced amounts of the enzyme lactase
lactose intolerance
types of fats
saturated and unsaturated
long chains of amino acids
dissolves in water to form a gel
Soluble fiber
major form of fat stored by the body. Produced by the body and derived from foods. High levels increase heart disease risk.
malabsorption syndrome caused by an immune reaction to gluten
celiac disease
Fat soluble vitamins
A, D, E, K
proteins that contain all nine of the essential amino acids
complete proteins
does not break down, found in barley, legumes, some fruits and vegetables. Slows digestion, promoting nutrient absorption
Insoluble fiber
parasite that can affect the small intestine
one category of unsaturated fatty acids; sources include canola oil and olive oil, almonds, peanuts, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts
monounsaturated fats
weight in kilos x 0.8 Weight in kilos is pounds divided by 2.2.
Calculating protein needs
Amino acids that are needed, but cannot be made by the body; they must be eaten in foods
essential amino acids
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Lean Canvas Model
high blood pressure
Hydrogenated unsaturated fats with physical properties similar to saturated fats. Developed to increase food shelf life, improve texture and mimic frying. Raise LDL and lower HDL.
Trans fats
Glucose -- used immediately for energy, stored in the liver and muscles as glycose or (if excess) stored in adipose tissue as fat
Carbohydrate subgroups
can be made by the body
non-essential amino acids
First in/first out
FIFO method
Milk and dairy products; eggs and egg products; fish and shellfish; wheat; soy and soy products; peanuts and tree nuts.
Food Allergens (Big 8)
major form of fat stored by the body. Produced by the body and derived from foods. High levels increase heart disease risk.
45 to 65 percent of calories
Recommended calories from carbs
any nutritional, physical, mechanical, psychological, or pharmacological procedure or aid used to improve athletic performance
ergogenic aids