Pro Tips
Of the Educational Variety
Words of Wisdom
Don't Take the Elevator...
So They Told Us

When going out, what do we do with our wine or alcohol glass to let the server or waiter know we are not drinking alcohol?

What is turn our glass over (or upside down)?"


This difference in a person is required in order to recovery from Alcoholism.

What is a "psychic change?" (BB. p. xxix)


This slogan is useful when someone does something in a different way than we do.

What is "Live and Let Live?"


You won't find the Saint Francis Prayer in the Big Book, but it is known the prayer of this step, and can be found in this book.

What is, "Step 11 in the 12 & 12?"


Personal recovery depends upon this.

What is AA Unity? (Trad 1 - "Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon AA unity."


This is the answer to all my problems today.

What is acceptance?  (BB p. 417)


It is recommended to begin the day with a prayer to be divorced these.

What are self-pity and dishonest or self-seeking motives?  (BB. p. 86 - On Awakening)


This slogan says that actions can change thoughts.

What is, "Move a muscle, change a mood?"


In practice of Step 10, when these any of these four things crop up, it is suggested that we pray to that they be removed, "at once".

What are, "selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear?" (BB p. 84)


Who is in charge of directing AA?

Who is God or our Higher Power? (Trad 2 - "For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern."


What we say when someone outside the program asks us how we met someone inside the program.

What is "we met through a mutual friend?" (As in Bill W.)


When when we become this, we pause and ask for the right thought or action.

What is agitated or doubtful? (BB p. 87-88)


This slogan reminds us of the limited duration of challenging situations.

What is, "This too shall pass?"


In this Step, we become willing to do the right thing, no matter what, even if we lose our position or reputation, or face jail.

What is, Step 9? (BB p. 79)


According to Tradition 6, the lending of this one thing to a worthwhile cause may seem like a good idea, but problems with these three things might be problematic. (need 4 words)

What are, "the AA name", and "money, property, and prestige?"  (6 - "An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance,or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.")

Be sure to remember this when making a 12th-Step call.

What is never go alone?


Taking Step 3 - We surrendered and "we felt new power flow in", and we enjoyed this.

What is peace of mind? (BB p. 63)


My ego stands in the way of my progress, and it is also an acronym which is this slogan.

What is “Edging God out?” as in "EGO = Edging God Out"


In the 7th Step, it recommended that we offer these things of ourselves to our Creator, to help us become useful to our fellow human beings.

What are the good and the bad? (BB p. 76)


This WW I fighter pilot exemplified the spirit of Tradition 1 and is mentioned as an example in the 12 & 12, when his aircraft crashed into the Pacific Ocean on Oct 21, 1942.

Who is Captain Edward V. Rickenbacker?  (12 & 12, p. 131)


Say this before you walk through any meeting, even ones that are on-line.

What is the Preamble?


If prayer is speaking to God, then this is listening.

What is "meditation?"


This 1970s sitcom’s title holds the key to the way of living a sober life. 

What is, “One day at time?”


According to Step 10, what can we do from time to time to get quiet for self-examination and meditation?

What are spiritual retreats? (12 & 12 - Step 10 - p. 89)


According to Tradition 12: Spirituality speaking, this is stands behind anonymity.

What is sacrifice? - "The Spiritual substance of anonymity is sacrifice." (12 & 12, Trad 12 - p. 184)
