
What is the duration of ILM and explain the breakup

Average watch time : 36 minutes

Ci- 2 minutes, C1 -  


What is the breakdown between LOTS and HOTS in L0, L1,L2,L3 in the IA section

L0 - NA ; L1 - 50% LOTS and 50% HOTS ; L2 - 30% LOTS and HOTS ; L3 - 20% LOTS and 80% HOTS


How many total number of sessions required to complete 1 core skill, 1 special skill

Core skill - 11 sessions - BOS, 8 ILMs, EOS, Capstone project.

Special skill - 8 sessions - BOS, 5 ILMS, EOS, Capstone project.


How many weeks do we need to complete annual  Ulipsu program for a learner

30 periods minimum.

CS 1 - 11+CS 2 - 11+SS - 8

+ 3 buffer periods


What is the breakup of an ILM ? 

ILM will have Ci- 2mins, C1 - 4+4 (Explanatory videos+ Interaction Elements) 2+2 (Interactive practice elements), C2 - 4+4 (Explanatory videos+ Interaction Elements) 2+2 (Interactive practice elements), Cc- 2mins


What is the difference between IE and IPE ? what skills of blooms taxonomy are checked

IE - Interactive elements.

skills : remember

IPE - Interactive practice element

skills - understand and apply


How are students creating simple calculator?

  • Create a simple calculator using HTML and CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Understand the structure of HTML forms,CSS for styling, and JavaScript for functionality.

  • Understand creating a functional calculator with basic arithmetic operations


What is the difference between academic math & Ulipsu math?

Academics - Abstract method

Ulipsu - Concrete method, Real time applications.


What are the Learning Goals?

Life skill - Level 0

Life skill - Level 1

Life skill - Level 2

Life skill - Level 3

Level 0 -

Communication/ Conversing

Problem-solving Cognitive skills


Level 1 :

Social skills/ Conflict resolution


Level 2:

Core values

Level 3:

Decision Making


Which are the tools used in coding across different levels

L1 - Scratch - block based

L2 - Make code arcade - block based 

L3 - Python - text based

HTML - text based


What tools are used in AI

L2 - Scratch level 2 - machine learning

Google collab - level 3


Tools used in AI?

Scratch and machine learning(level 2)

Google colab(level 3)

What are the key focus areas of Ulipsu Math?

It demonstrates the practicality of math in daily life and various career like engineering, computer science, finance, and medicine, it emphasis the importance of basic mathematical skill's role in making informed decisions.


Name 5 skills and 5 learning outcomes for coding in L2

Logical Thinking

Design Thinking

Problem solving

Technical Skills

Attention to detail Creativity

Algorithm Design Mathematical skills Debugging

Communication Skills

Introduction to Block based coding Game development basics MakeCodeArcade Platform Advanced MakeCodeArcade Features Functional Libraries and Operations Introduction to Python Python Operators and Game Development Python Loops and Collections CODING


Mention any 5 skills and learning outcomes mentioned in L2

Skill Learning outcomes Coding Programming Machine learning Data analysis Pattern recognition Problem solving Algorithmic thinking Creativity Project implementation Critical thinking Decision making Communication Collaboration

Fruit Recognition Model AI Interface in Scratch Image-Based ML Model Rock, Paper, Scissors Classifier Mood Prediction AI Facial Expression Detection Custom ML Models and Sound Recognition Home Automation through AI and ML AI Filter Recognition Decision Tree Understanding Hand Gesture Identification Sound and Facial Feature Recognition


What is data analysis decision making in Math(Level 3)?

  • Organize raw data in a systematic way to draw meaningful inferences.

  • Understands the difference between raw data and organized data, and how to represent data using different methods, such as pictographs, bar graphs, and histograms.
