Famous AAPI People
Hard Numbers

The highest-ranking Asian American in U.S. government

Who is Kamal Harris? the Vice President of the United States, is the highest-ranking Asian American in U.S. government.


After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the United States government enacted policies that targeted Japanese Americans, suspecting them of being potential spies or saboteurs. Most of whom were U.S. citizens, were forcibly relocated and incarcerated.

What are the Japanese Internment Camps?

This had a profound and lasting impact on Japanese American communities, as well as on the broader Asian American community. It wasn't until 1988 that the U.S. government formally apologized and provided reparations to Japanese Americans who were interned during the war.


The state that has the highest Pacific Islander population

What is Hawaii? 25% of Hawaii's population is Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 


Tagalog, the language of the Philippines shares words with another language

What is Spanish?

Spanish colonization of the Philippines lasted for over 300 years

  • O – meaning ‘or’
  • Basura – meaning ‘trash’ or ‘rubbish’
  • Regalo – meaning  ‘gift’ or ‘present’
  • Merienda – meaning ‘snack’
  • Tío/Tia – meaning ‘uncle/aunt’

In 2020, AAPI-owned small businesses were disproportionately affected by this, with a 22.5% decline in business ownership compared to 16% for all small businesses.

What is the COVID-19 pandemic?


The first Asian American to be nominated as Best Actor for the Academy Awards

Who is Steven Yeun?


The first federal law in the United States to specifically prohibit immigration based on nationality

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

The law prevented Chinese laborers from entering the country, and also made it difficult for Chinese people who were already in the United States to bring over their families. The Chinese Exclusion Act was not repealed until 1943, and its impact was felt for many years in the Chinese American community.


The largest Asian population in the US

What is Chinese?

5.1 million—The estimated number of the Asian population of Chinese, except Taiwanese, descent in the U.S. in 2020. The Chinese (except Taiwanese) population was the largest Asian group in the U.S


Traditional form of tattooing in Samoan culture is called

What is Tatau? 

It is a form of body art that has been practiced in Samoa for over 2,000 years and is an important part of Samoan cultural identity. Tatau is performed using traditional hand tools made from bone or tusk and involves tapping ink into the skin to create intricate patterns and designs. Tattoos are often worn as a symbol of status, rank, and achievement in Samoan culture and are typically applied to the legs, arms, and torso. 


This community includes many distinct ethnic groups, such as Samoans, Tongans, Chamorros, and Hawaiians, each with their own unique cultures and traditions.

What is Pacific Islander community?


The first Asian American to win a gold medal for the US

Who is Vicki Draves? 

  • On August 6, 1948, American diver Vicki Draves wins gold at the London Olympics.


A Place in Virginia is known for the Vietnamese immigrant community which at one point became the largest Vietnamese shopping district in the country

What is Eden Center? 


Percentage of Asian-owned businesses in the US

What is 10%? (555k businesses)


A symbol of strength, resilience, and flexibility in Chinese culture. It is often depicted in art and is a popular motif in tattoo design. Also used in stir-fries to add a bit of crunchy pop to Chinese dishes.  Used in construction.

What is bamboo?


Famous comedian and actor was the first Asian American to host Saturday Night Live

Who is Rob Schneider? 

He hosted the show on November 15, 1997, and became a trailblazer for Asian American representation in mainstream media. Schneider is of Filipino descent and has also starred in films such as "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo" and "Grown Ups".


Peter Tsai PhD, Taiwanese & American materials scientist invented something intended for industrial use

What is a N95 respirator? invented in the 1990s


In the 18th century, the Asian/Pacific Islander group was the first to settle in the U.S

Who are the Filipinos? in Louisiana were the first recorded settlement of Asians in the United States


The number of countries AAPI represent

What is 75?

75 countries from the Asian continent – East, Southeast, and South Asia – as well as the Pacific Islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.


The traditional dance of Indonesia that involves elaborate hand and foot movements

What is Javanese dance? It is a classical dance form that originated in the royal courts of Java and is now performed throughout Indonesia. The dance is characterized by precise and graceful movements, including intricate hand gestures and footwork, and is often accompanied by gamelan music. 


This term refers to the barriers that prevent AAPI individuals from reaching upper-level positions in the workplace despite their qualifications and skills.

What is "bamboo ceiling"?


Ajay Bhatt, Indian & American computer architect and his team created something we use everyday

What is a USB? 

  • In 1994, Bhatt and his team created Universal Series Bus (USB) technology, allowing users to connect different components to computers without extra hassle.


The significance of May 10th in AAPI history

What is the completion of the transcontinental railroad? 

  • May 10th is the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad, which was built by Chinese laborers. The railroad was completed in 1869 and helped to open up the West to settlement and development.

AAPI population in the US grew by this much between 2000 and 2019

What is 81%? This population is also the nation’s fastest-growing racial or ethnic group. Between 2000 and 2019, their numbers grew by 81%, outpacing a 70% increase among Hispanics. The Black population grew by 20% during this span, while there was virtually no change in the White population. 


The traditional Korean dress

What is Hanbok? Hanbok is a type of clothing that has been worn in Korea for centuries and is still popular for special occasions and traditional events. The dress is characterized by its vibrant colors and flowing lines, with a full skirt for women and baggy pants for men 


This term was first used in a 1966 New York Times article to describe Japanese Americans who were seen as successful and assimilated compared to other minority groups. 

What is "model minority"?
